Hi everyone,

I would like to introduce a new API to make responsive forms available with the HTML5 tag "output".

Information and examples can be found here:


Benefits of the OutputField

* Easy client side calculations based on input fields and an AttributeAppender - so the calculation can be changed on server side:

// number1 and number2 are input fields
form.add(new AttributeAppender("onInput", String.format("%s.value=parseFloat(%s.value)+ parseFloat(%s.value)", outputField.getMarkupId(), number1.getMarkupId(), number2.getMarkupId())));

* Automated push of the value to the server side. There the value can be retrieved by get the model of the output field:

form.add(new AjaxButton("submit") {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    protected void onSubmit(AjaxRequestTarget target, Form<?> form) {
target.add(label.setDefaultModelObject("The current output value: " + outputField.getDefaultModelObject()));

I would be very pleased for any feedback! :-)

kind regards


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