Hi devs,

There are some issues with the new code for scanning for wicket.properties
in 7.0.0:
- https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/WICKET-5997 (also discussed at
- https://github.com/apache/wicket/pull/138

At both reports ServiceLoader (SL) is suggested as a better solution for
this functionality.
When I implemented the current solution I've ignored SL because I remember
having issues with it in OSGi environment and I've preferred the current
solution because it works well for WebJars.

Adding support for SL is easy. The problem is what to do with the current
I see these solutions:

1. Add support for SL and "deprecate" the current solution by logging WARNs
1.1. Log WARNs for several releases and then drop the current solution
1.2. Log WARNs until Wicket 8.0.0
2. Add support for SL and remove the current solution for the next release

At the moment we log WARN when the old /wicket.properties is detected on
the classpath!

I am for 1.1 because the current solution is buggy (in uberjar and OSGi
envs) and there is no point to support it. But at the same time I see that
this would be a bigger change that probably should wait for major release.


Martin Grigorov
Wicket Training and Consulting

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