+1 for me too

On 18/08/2016 00:47, Martijn Dashorst wrote:
Sounds good to me


On Wednesday, 17 August 2016, Martin Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org> wrote:


What do you think on adding a new setting to ExceptionSettings that says
whether to log a WARN (default, as it does now) or to throw exception when
setOutputMarkupId/setOutputMarkupPlaceholderTag() are used on component
with #setRenderBodyOnly(true) or attached to <wicket:container> ?

I've had few occasions in the past few months where colleagues of mine use
<wicket:container> and later try to update it with Ajax. The WARN log is
buried amongst other logs (and developers usually simply ignore WARNs) and
I see it is hard for them to find out the reason.

If the setting proves to be useful then we can throw an exception in DEV
mode and log a WARN in PROD mode.


Martin Grigorov
Wicket Training and Consulting

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