thanks a lot!
Be careful with the "x-frame-options=deny". It will break ajax file uploads 
within your applications (which are implemented using an iframe). You could set 
it to "sameorigin" to make ajax file uploads work again, but I didn't have the 
chance to test if this changes the ranking in mozillas test.


Am 28. August 2016 23:57:30 MESZ, schrieb Carl-Eric Menzel 
>Hi Tobias,
>thanks for collecting the headers, that saves me the effort :-) I know
>it's easy to write, I was just suggesting we add something like this to
>Wicket itself. I'll see whether I can come up with something simple and
>flexible enough.
>One question: Why onEndRequest?
>On Sun, 28 Aug 2016 15:52:32 +0200
>Tobias Soloschenko <tobiassolosche...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> you are able to implement the security headers in a very easy way.
>> See:
>> Mozilla tool to check web security: https://observatory.mozilla.org/
>> Demo wicket application (might be down or change after a while): 
>> https://wicketsecurity-klopfdreh.rhcloud.com/
>> The test: 
>> The implementation within your Wicket Application:
>>      @Override
>>      protected void init()
>>      {
>>          super.init();
>>          getRequestCycleListeners().add(new
>> AbstractRequestCycleListener(){ @Override
>>              public void onEndRequest(RequestCycle cycle)
>>              {
>> ((WebResponse)cycle.getResponse()).setHeader("X-XSS-Protection", "1; 
>> mode=block");
>> "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload");
>> "nosniff");
>> ((WebResponse)cycle.getResponse()).setHeader("X-Frame-Options",
>> "DENY");
>> "default-src https:"); // Google "for Content-Security-Policy" to
>> allow more domains }
>>          });
>>      }
>> The result: >> A- << (because of redirection settings of tomcat - I
>> was not able to change them that fast)
>> To get A just enable a server redirect like mentioned here:
>> kind regards
>> Tobias
>> Am 28.08.16 um 10:28 schrieb Carl-Eric Menzel:
>> > I think it would be a good idea to have something like this as an
>> > option in Wicket. Something to turn on with a one-liner for the
>> > application. There are a bunch of these headers that are useful,
>> > plus I recently came across this:
>> >
>> > https://dev.to/ben/the-targetblank-vulnerability-by-example
>> >
>> > Should we perhaps also add something that adds the rel="noopener"
>> > attribute to links with target="_blank"?
>> >
>> > I'm all for making these security things as easy as possible for
>> > developer.
>> >
>> > Carl-Eric
>> >
>> > On Sat, 27 Aug 2016 18:08:36 +0200
>> > Martin Grigorov <mgrigo...@apache.org> wrote:
>> >  
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> We use Spring Security in all our applications.
>> >> It adds these response headers for free.
>> >>
>> >> Any other Servlet Filter could do the same but I don't mind adding
>> >> facilities in Wicket too.
>> >>
>> >> Btw one of the security experts from OWASP audited our
>> >> in the last few weeks. Although he've found few problems here and
>> >> there he said very nice words for Wicket!
>> >>
>> >> Martin Grigorov
>> >> Wicket Training and Consulting
>> >> https://twitter.com/mtgrigorov
>> >>
>> >> On Sat, Aug 27, 2016 at 6:01 PM, Tobias Soloschenko <  
>> >> tobiassolosche...@googlemail.com> wrote:  
>> >>  
>> >>> Hi,
>> >>>
>> >>> Mozilla just made a tool public which allows to scan websites for
>> >>> security risks. Maybe we can somehow add a default set of headers
>> >>> to the page rendering of Wicket / apply other security relevant
>> >>> implementations. Or we are able to make them at least optional:
>> >>>
>> >>> https://observatory.mozilla.org
>> >>>
>> >>> Example header:
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>>
>> >>> What so you think about that idea?
>> >>>
>> >>> kind regards
>> >>>
>> >>> Tobias  

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