
On Sun, May 31, 2020 at 2:17 PM Andrea Del Bene <an.delb...@gmail.com>

> Hi Thomas!
> On 30/05/20 18:52, Thomas Heigl wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> > Do we have any guidelines regarding the development workflow? E.g.
> >
> > - How many approvals do I need for merging a PR?
> PR approvals on GitHub is a relatively new thing and there is no strict
> rule about it. As empiric rule we try to get the approval from (at
> least) a couple of other commiters. But it also depends on the
> complexity of the PR, and for those who might have a bigger impact on
> framework it's good to involve other people on the @dev list.

PRs are not mandatory.
I create PR only when I am not really sure about the solution I am
Even if you push something directly without a PR we will review it and if
we see something we will comment on it either in GitHub or on dev@. Once we
agree on a better solution we may either push a new commit with an
improvement or revert the old one.

> > - Who manages the changelog? Should a changelog entry be part of every
> PR?
> PR should come with a Jira issue to track them. The change log is
> automatically generated during the release process using the 'Fix
> Version' parameter of the issues. For example this is the current change
> log for for the upcoming 8.9.0 version
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/ReleaseNote.jspa?version=12348154&styleName=&projectId=12310561
> > - How do we decide what PRs to backport to older versions?
> This is usually asked in the @dev list, depending on the importance of
> the PR (ex: is a fix or a new feature?) and its feasibility (ex: can be
> easily / safely back-ported?)

If it is a new feature usually I commit it to the current stable branch
(i.e. 8.x at the moment) and the next dev branch (9.x).
If it is a fix then I also include the previous stable branch (7.x).
If it is a security related fix then the also 6.x. Once we release 9.0.0
then 7.x becomes the security maintenance branch.

> >
> > And are there CI builds for PRs? I would feel more confident clicking the
> > merge button if there was a CI status check connected to GitHub (and
> > possibly a Sonarqube check as well).
> If I remember correctly GitHub should provide some kind of support for
> PRs CI, but I never explored this feature, maybe Martin did something
> about it.

The official CI tool is BuildBot but since recently we also added GitHub
Actions since it comes for free (i.e. any maintenance from us).
At the moment it builds only master branch but we can remove this
restriction and let it build all branches:
I think this will be useful for PRs!


> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Thomas
> >
> Your are welcome!

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