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On Tue, Oct 13, 2020 at 3:18 PM Chris Hoina <chrisho...@ibm.com> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Can you please unsubscribe me from this an other Apache emails.  They are
> no longer relevant.
> Thank you,
> Chris
> *Chris Hoina*
> Offering Manager
> IBM Application Performance Analyzer for z/OS
> IBM Fault Analyzer for z/OS
> IBM File Manager for z/OS
> ADFz | z Build | z DevOps | IBM Z
> ------------------------------
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> *E-mail:* *chrisho...@ibm.com* <chrisho...@ibm.com>
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> United States
> ----- Original message -----
> From: Andrea Del Bene <adelb...@apache.org>
> To: dev@wicket.apache.org, us...@wicket.apache.org, annou...@apache.org,
> annou...@wicket.apache.org
> Cc:
> Subject: [EXTERNAL] [ANNOUNCE] Apache Wicket 9.1.0 released
> Date: Mon, Oct 12, 2020 05:39
> The Apache Wicket PMC is proud to announce Apache Wicket 9.1.0!
> Apache Wicket is an open source Java component oriented web application
> framework that powers thousands of web applications and web sites for
> governments, stores, universities, cities, banks, email providers, and
> more. You can find more about Apache Wicket at https://wicket.apache.org
> This release marks another minor release of Wicket 9. We
> use semantic versioning for the development of Wicket, and as such no
> API breaks are present breaks are present in this release compared to
> 9.0.0.
> Using this release
> ------------------
> With Apache Maven update your dependency to (and don't forget to
> update any other dependencies on Wicket projects to the same version):
> <dependency>
>      <groupId>org.apache.wicket</groupId>
>      <artifactId>wicket-core</artifactId>
>      <version>9.1.0</version>
> </dependency>
> Or download and build the distribution yourself, or use our
> convenience binary package you can find here:
>   * Download: http://wicket.apache.org/start/wicket-9.x.html#manually
> Upgrading from earlier versions
> -------------------------------
> If you upgrade from 9.y.z this release is a drop in replacement. If
> you come from a version prior to 9.0.0, please read our Wicket 9
> migration guide found at
>   * http://s.apache.org/wicket9migrate
> Have fun!
> — The Wicket team
> ========================================================================
>      The signatures for the source release artefacts:
> Signature for apache-wicket-9.1.0.zip:
>      -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
> iQIzBAABCgAdFiEE0a6YZHC1pJw+aieyh48B+qjTVuEFAl99/FsACgkQh48B+qjT
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> s2JMcbZJGmjplwG2Yy6LGXEksFV9wBTnEA4RGREV06K6ihx7Qm2zjgunZZSswZIr
> MuLQYMnrXmAM2Qs071b17a5k2Gkw1+CST51KwOUD7u5l7UZOvUcXRL1xTBemOZ9s
> RMbcbnjesxct3W2ASkGvULE7oHpBXrrDRHbv4mRFjWsSOjoasXJNtKJoUcoVtBnz
> xwMlN/dZTEJLlj7uG2jW5mqFj+vfWP01UE+XR2HlJmW54puErcGE4+/haAJdvlwe
> +rP2XNwAAD5rp3jIcpHerBOt7pruWEDhOwaydm0jJvsPh82SibKCmhnlJlxpdJE3
> vcFB6/rFWWHxaxtUZKJTCb2tcCN5LMIr1Thcyb5BUCC2ZN8PqNSjI9L6EtzG7Jyd
> PnkJiJayn6VUVr6WTP+UEVlqPvDTqg/yuhquQmYjz1uYPQS8lL5WpHUvQnmtiJ2S
> yAeHNJm+pJRxDgs9CIAhAToTM38y09Y/aM2T5R+iOI6u/tLovFWBS8YxUYkUdPHP
> /9YOBXan7Q1XqBz8W6nfsvrvtbZYhYfU0FOsxcgHK9pGbkxPWnA=
> =0JCC
> Signature for apache-wicket-9.1.0.tar.gz:
>      -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----
> iQIzBAABCgAdFiEE0a6YZHC1pJw+aieyh48B+qjTVuEFAl99/FsACgkQh48B+qjT
> VuE4vQ//ZAhCOuedc/LCKKTQU/uE/nF+i9PcCS/SsFVJbvoCzyVSoSQwQCYbM+E4
> kd8YYr8CG1PNpKMyxsNuBEG9ttR8ZCDfEKIVD727y2vLk9L5SefY6/dRanLO/cc0
> 1rGYwtMfJby//P/pXdjeG6Qta3FHb2AcZtIyzPTFFciIuebccUsM48UDU6HT3weN
> aKwgr5uUQVInVRV7pEGC0ziRMRkyYRStBLZNioR2BjCV7IxnWdeWTjapD9kAiY5H
> 2d1J0ItW/4mtohKWiem4JPX1HTf+U2d02qTq2i5ykDKfytoMUvFlIuP0kl7J5K/t
> NdfOzgcmMgZa+wjy0z46TEEdq63JdRu3Cpy3wkkTy9GF2+6UJdXQ1z9dbGbmNkTy
> 0WZWGf85s8rekJVwt66TUih6Mlcl1Fb57zOYndrkb/AHB1ehF90JIf/DqLdplfbS
> fFinL9Q7myeM2GM3uivmR6TF2ZvtCbGfiWQ4DKLTIXJYDsqxTDSDrroxk3j/P64h
> 1havxw/X45FZsMaoMX7xdVO5drK65LSLpea0OpkHPWr9x0OetI4iQssxpUcoAXj0
> OPPZ66Luci/Au9rodmP7bW5X5ttlXxSjkvLRgk2GibD3NpcJHrHLF1UWeDwH5XIJ
> Bsuw7X2vIgtzu2GCLHoudgGp9yQYXuxI5adnrC9Lyg+BeEQhc+U=
> =rzeT
> ========================================================================
>      CHANGELOG for 9.1.0:
> ** Bug
>      * [WICKET-6702] - AsynchronousPageStore with
> NotDetachedModelChecker - "Not detached model found" exception on
> several fast sequential Ajax calls
>      * [WICKET-6802] - FilePageStore writing to
> UserDefinedFileAttributeView might be null
>      * [WICKET-6803] -  wicket-objectsizeof-agent has no valid automatic
> module name
>      * [WICKET-6806] - CSP header response decorator breaks
> JavaScriptFilteredIntoFooterHeaderResponse
>      * [WICKET-6808] - Cannot add page to AjaxRequestTarget
>      * [WICKET-6810] - Asynchronous+encrypted pagestore leads to
> WicketRuntimeException
>      * [WICKET-6813] - Setting child-src does not update frame-src after
> initial assignment
>      * [WICKET-6818] - NPE in WicketEndpoint onClose
>      * [WICKET-6822] - AsynchronousPageStore Potential Memory Leak
>      * [WICKET-6825] - wicket-ioc 9.0.0 throws IAE with JDK14, still
> includes outdated ASM 7.1.0 in cglib-nodep
>      * [WICKET-6837] - Jupiter engine transitively included in war file
> ** New Feature
>      * [WICKET-6805] - Add Cross-Origin Opener Policy and Cross-Origin
> Embedder Policy support
> ** Improvement
>      * [WICKET-6786] - CsrfPreventionRequestCycleListener should support
> Fetch Metadata Request Headers
>      * [WICKET-6807] - Fake Submitting Button
>      * [WICKET-6821] - Completely disable CSP support
>      * [WICKET-6824] - Use concatenation instead of String.format for
> frequently called methods
>      * [WICKET-6826] - Improve performance and reduce allocations for
> Behaviors
>      * [WICKET-6827] - Improve performance of Strings.join and
> Strings.replaceAll
>      * [WICKET-6828] - Wrong tree branch icon with hidden children
>      * [WICKET-6829] - Use String.isEmpty() instead of "".equals(...)
>      * [WICKET-6830] - Convert Behaviors into a static utility class to
> reduce allocations
>      * [WICKET-6831] - Try to flush the response before detach
>      * [WICKET-6833] - Reduce allocations when merging page parameters
>      * [WICKET-6835] - Improve performance of AbstractMapper.getPlaceholder
>      * [WICKET-6838] - Improve performance of Strings.split

Andrea Del Bene.
Apache Wicket committer.

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