>  So, the issue is purely eastetic ?!

Yes, in the end it's a pure eastetic problem, nonetheless I've got the
impression that is a  widespread need.

On Fri, Oct 29, 2021 at 3:59 PM Sven Meier <s...@meiers.net> wrote:

> Hi Thomas,
>  >and only page parameters are used for state
> if your pages are stateless, no pageid will appear anyways - so why
> bother with a custom mapper?
> Sven

> Wouldn't it be better to use only stateless components and behaviors ?
> Martin
Stateless pages/components are fine if you page is not too complex, but for
some more sophisticated UI with AJAX components being stateless is not an
option. Think for example at a view repeater with AJAX buttons for each of
its child element. Keeping everything stateless without complex workarounds
is virtually impossible .

Andrea Del Bene.
Apache Wicket committer.

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