
I am curious how this would compare to a declarative ui.

You would define your ui in pojo, almost like swing, and then you have a
generic rendering helper/factory layer tailored to your project, which then
handles *all* the nitty gritty stuff.

Only when you create a new feature, would you worry about its targets etc
which you would implement onto the rendering helper/factory layer.

There might be parts of such structure that could be reusable across

Would this overcome the need for DSL, or would you consider it DSL as well?


to 27. tammik. 2022 klo 17.59 Matthias Metzger (noobyma...@yahoo.de.invalid)

> Dear Wicket Contributers,
> first and foremost thank you for working on and maintaining Wicket for
> such a long time and doing such a stellar job with it!
> I have been using Wicket for about 10 years now. So far it has worked
> great in a lot of cases. However, having separate markup files and
> having to do target.add(component) manually, are the 2 most annoying
> things in working with Wicket for me. If there is any interest, I can go
> into more detail.
> So, for some time now, I have been thinking about a DSL for Wicket in
> Kotlin, akin to kotlinx.html to stop separating markup and components.
> You can find the dumbest and most naive thing I could possibly think of
> here:
> https://gist.github.com/noobymatze/f27ca43f528f1d2e3fe1454baab5f0a6
> The idea is, that there is a class DSLWebPage, which can be subclassed
> to implement an abstract render() method, which defines HTML and
> components at the same time.
> ```
> class ExamplePage: DSLWebPage() {
>      fun PageBuilder.render() = html {
>          head {
>          }
>          body {
>              h1 {
>                  component(Label("greet", "Hello World!"))
>                  text("Some long text.")
>              }
>          }
>      }
> }
> ```
> The render() method will be called during getMarkupResourceStream. The
> component function will automatically create a suitable HTML fragment
> with a wicket:id='greet'. The problem with this naive approach is, that
> it renders the markup + components every time a request is made,
> sometimes even twice during a single request. That's because I disabled
> markup caching, because the default caching would only render the markup
> once.
> There are a few approaches I can see here.
> 1. Define a cache key per instance (dunno maybe a UUID would do here).
> Assumption: There is no dynamic HTML.
> 2. Call render() in the constructor of DSLWebPage, which could cause
> serious troubles.
> 3. Cache the markup myself inside the page. I am not sure, whether this
> would have any bad consequences. I believe the markup cache may be able
> to optimize the storage, which would not be possible in that case.
> 4. Call render in onInitialize. That won't work, because
> getMarkupResourceStream is called before onInitialize and I haven't
> found another method suitable. Maybe I overlooked something.
> 5. Just don't cache, I am not sure, what that would mean for performance.
> I would tend to go with Option 1, but is there anything I am overlooking
> here? Do you think, any of this might be problematic for performance or
> any other reason?
> I apologize, if this should have been asked in the user mailing list.
> Thanks for reading this far.
> Best regards
> Matthias

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