This is a vote to release Apache Wicket 10.0.0-M2

Please download the source distributions found in our staging area
linked below.

I have included the signatures for both the source archives. This vote
lasts for 72 hours minimum.

[ ] Yes, release Apache Wicket 10.0.0-M2
[ ] No, don't release Apache Wicket 10.0.0-M2, because ...

Distributions, changelog, keys and signatures can be found at:

Staging repository:

The binaries are available in the above link, as are a staging
repository for Maven. Typically the vote is on the source, but should
you find a problem with one of the binaries, please let me know, I can
re-roll them some way or the other.

Staging git repository data:

    Branch:      build/wicket-10.0.0-M2
    Release tag: rel/wicket-10.0.0-M2


    CHANGELOG for 10.0.0-M2:

** Bug

    * [WICKET-7040] - find a different way to add CSP headers
    * [WICKET-7061] - When I move from 9.13.0->9.14.0, my importmaps fail to parse correctly due to presence of the CDATA wrapping.
    * [WICKET-7065] - TextFilteredPropertyColumn violates CSP
    * [WICKET-7067] - DefaultExceptionMapper should not set disableCaching for  WebSocketResponse
    * [WICKET-7070] - Quick start generated app has multiple errors
    * [WICKET-7071] - Problems when calling request.getInputStream() before executing WicketFilter

** Improvement

    * [WICKET-7039] - Improve Accessibility of wicket-autocomplete.js
    * [WICKET-7060] - Minor improvements to wicket-examples
    * [WICKET-7063] - Convert all Application_*.properties to Application_*     * [WICKET-7066] - Add possibility to define type-Attribute of JavascriptHeaderItem as "module"
    * [WICKET-7068] - Current tree themes are not RTL friendly

** Task

    * [WICKET-7064] - commons-fileupload2 dependency should be added back
    * [WICKET-7069] - assertTrue(equals()) in tests should be replaced with assertEquals
    * [WICKET-7073] - Update JQuery to 3.7.1

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