+1 for the approach for sending custom values

When we send custom values, do we send information about the workflow
and instance ID etc?

I think we should we also have a default  set of monitoring data we
can push from a BPEL workflow to BAM (just like default Service stats)
that can be turned on easily. I think we can do this easily by
extending the ODE workflow event listener to emit workflow monitoring
data. It should send information like services invoked, how long the
instance ran,  .. requests send and received etc.


On Mon, Mar 12, 2012 at 3:28 PM, Nandika Jayawardana <nand...@wso2.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
>    We came up with a model to publish business process data to the
> BAM2 server in the following way to monitor Business Process.
> Basically,the idea is to implement an extension activity which would
> publish the process data to BAM. Developer of the business process can
> specify which data should be published to the bam in the following
> way. We took the standard 'from' syntax from bpel for selecting the
> data to be published. Extension activity xml syntax would be as
> follows.
> <bpel:extensionActivity>
>      <bam:publish>
>          <bam:key name="key1">
>                 <bam:from></bam:from>
>          <bam:key>+
>      <bam:publish>
> </bpel:extensionActivity>
> The value within the from section could be either a variable or an xpath.
> Syntax for publishing from a variable
> <bpel:extensionActivity>
>      <bam:publish>
>         <bam:key name="key1">
>            <bam:from part="payload" variable="testVar1"/>
>         </bam:key>
>         <bam:key name="key2">
>            <bam:from part="payload" variable="testVar2"/>
>         </bam:key>
>      <bam:publish>
> </bpel:extensionActivity>
> Syntax for publishing from xpath
> <bpel:extensionActivity>
>        <bam:publish>
>            <bam:key name="key1">
>                <bam:from part="payload" variable="input">
>                        <bam:query 
> queryLanguage="urn:oasis:names:tc:wsbpel:2.0:sublang:xpath1.0"><![CDATA[tns:input]]></bam:query>
>                </bam:from>
>            </bam:key>
>        </bam:publish>
> <bpel:extensionActivity>
> <bpel:extensionActivity>
>        <bam:publish>
>            <bam:key name="key1">
>                <bam:from>$input.part/tns:input</bam:from>
>            </bam:key>
>        </bam:publish>
> <bpel:extensionActivity>
> Publishing from xpath is not essential as it is possible to extract
> values using xpath in the bam analyzer as well.  BAM server
> configuration data will go into the deploy.xml.
> Regards
> Nandika
> --
> Nandika Jayawardana
> Technical Lead
> WSO2 Inc ; http://wso2.com
> lean.enterprise.middleware
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