Hi All,
 We now in the process of getting  Cloud Services Gateway (CSG) for
it's first Alpha release and here's the pending work:

   1. Replace content of landing page/dashboard/ with correct content,
          We need to have nice descriptions about features provided by
CSG here. And features we have planning to display are (If this needs
changes please let us know):
          API protection
          Private data access
          Out Sourcing Computations.

   2. Fix UI themes:
           So that super-tanent logs in product look and feel is
rendered while, if tenant logs in look and feel should be one he/she
has chosen.

   3. Merge product and sevice pack.
          This needs to be done before the Alpha release.

Rajika, Please add if there is anything I have missed?

Amal, Could you assist us by creating relevant images/icons for CSG? I
will get in touch with more details.

- Ramith
Dev mailing list

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