On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 5:13 PM, Anjana Fernando <anj...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi GREG Team,
> For what purposes do you use the data source component? .. anyhow if it is
> actually being used, please migrate it to the ndatasource implementation
> you would get from the Carbon Kernel.

Hi All,

I didn't get this error with the pack build in clean repo.

JAVA_HOME environment variable is set to /home/ajithn/programes/jdk1.6.0_26
CARBON_HOME environment variable is set to
[2012-07-07 00:57:41,005]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.coordination.core.services.impl.ZKCoordinationService} -
 Coordination service disabled.
[2012-07-07 00:57:41,302]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  Starting WSO2
[2012-07-07 00:57:41,304]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  Operating System :
Linux 3.2.0-23-generic, amd64
[2012-07-07 00:57:41,304]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  Java Home        :
[2012-07-07 00:57:41,304]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  Java Version     :
[2012-07-07 00:57:41,304]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  Java VM          :
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM 20.1-b02,Sun Microsystems Inc.
[2012-07-07 00:57:41,304]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  Carbon Home      :
[2012-07-07 00:57:41,304]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  Java Temp Dir    :
[2012-07-07 00:57:41,305]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivator} -  User             :
ajithn, en-US, Asia/Colombo
[2012-07-07 00:57:42,093]  INFO
-  Privileged Actions Extension bundle activated successfuly.
[2012-07-07 00:57:43,784]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.internal.RegistryCoreServiceComponent} -
 Registry Mode    : READ-WRITE
[2012-07-07 00:57:43,968]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.dashboard.dashboardpopulator.GadgetPopulator} -
 Successfully populated the default Dashboards.
[2012-07-07 00:57:44,403]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.dashboard.dashboardpopulator.GadgetPopulator} -
 Successfully populated the default Gadgets.
[2012-07-07 00:57:44,435]  INFO
{org.apache.synapse.commons.datasource.JNDIBasedDataSourceRepository} -
 DataSources will be registered in the JNDI context with provider PROP_URL
: rmi://ajithn:2199
[2012-07-07 00:57:44,714]  INFO
-  Initialising Attachment Server
[2012-07-07 00:57:45,331]  INFO
-  [Attachment-Mgt OpenJPA] DB Dictionary: h2
[2012-07-07 00:57:45,332]  INFO
-  [Attachment-Mgt OpenJPA] Generate DDL Enabled.
[2012-07-07 00:57:45,516]  INFO
-  Attachment Download Servlet registered.
[2012-07-07 00:57:45,517]  INFO
-  Registering AttachmentServerService
[2012-07-07 00:57:45,523]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.humantask.core.internal.HumanTaskServiceComponent} -
 Initialising HumanTask Server
[2012-07-07 00:57:45,742]  INFO {org.apache.ode.il.EmbeddedGeronimoFactory}
-  Using embedded Geronimo transaction manager
[2012-07-07 00:57:46,287]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.humantask.core.dao.jpa.AbstractJPAVendorAdapter} -  [HT
OpenJPA] DB Dictionary: h2
[2012-07-07 00:57:46,287]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.humantask.core.dao.jpa.AbstractJPAVendorAdapter} -  [HT
OpenJPA] Generate DDL Enabled.
[2012-07-07 00:57:46,364]  INFO {openjpa.Runtime} -  Starting OpenJPA
[2012-07-07 00:57:46,420]  INFO {openjpa.jdbc.JDBC} -  Using dictionary
class "org.apache.openjpa.jdbc.sql.H2Dictionary".
[2012-07-07 00:57:46,929]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.humantask.core.internal.HumanTaskServiceComponent} -
 Registering Axis2ConfigurationContextObserver
[2012-07-07 00:57:47,442]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.humantask.core.internal.HumanTaskServiceComponent} -
 Registering HumanTaskUIResourceProvider
[2012-07-07 00:57:49,918]  INFO
{org.apache.axis2.deployment.ClusterBuilder} -  Clustering has been disabled
[2012-07-07 00:57:50,440]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.stratos.landing.page.deployer.LandingPageWebappDeployer} -
 Deployed product landing page webapp:
[2012-07-07 00:57:50,441]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.humantask.deployer.HumanTaskDeployer} -  Initializing
HumanTask Deployer for tenant -1234.
[2012-07-07 00:57:50,488]  INFO
{org.apache.axis2.transport.tcp.TCPTransportSender} -  TCP Sender started
[2012-07-07 00:57:50,490]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.humantask.deployer.HumanTaskDeployer} -  Deploying
HumanTask archive with name [WorkList.zip]
[2012-07-07 00:57:50,729]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.deployment.DeploymentInterceptor} -  Deploying Axis2
service: WorkListService {super-tenant}
[2012-07-07 00:57:50,828]  INFO
{org.apache.axis2.deployment.ModuleDeployer} -  Deploying module:
addressing-1.6.1-wso2v1 -
[2012-07-07 00:57:50,832]  INFO
{org.apache.axis2.transport.tcp.TCPTransportSender} -  TCP Sender started
[2012-07-07 00:57:51,328]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.deployment.DeploymentInterceptor} -  Deploying Axis2
service: DiscoveryProxy {super-tenant}
[2012-07-07 00:57:51,371]  INFO
{org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine} -  Deploying Web service:
org.wso2.carbon.discovery.proxy -
[2012-07-07 00:57:53,851]  INFO
{org.apache.axis2.deployment.DeploymentEngine} -  Deploying Web service:
org.wso2.carbon.registry.ws.api -
[2012-07-07 00:57:54,586]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.init.CarbonServerManager} -  Repository       :
[2012-07-07 00:57:54,655]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.permission.update.PermissionUpdater} -
 Permission cache updated for tenant -1234
[2012-07-07 00:57:55,325]  INFO
-  Starting HumanTaskCleanupSchedulerServiceComponent
[2012-07-07 00:57:55,327]  INFO
-  Started HumanTaskCleanupSchedulerServiceComponent
[2012-07-07 00:57:56,024]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.transports.http.HttpsTransportListener} -  HTTPS port
      : 9443
[2012-07-07 00:57:56,024]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.transports.http.HttpTransportListener} -  HTTP port
     : 9763
[2012-07-07 00:57:56,344]  INFO
-  Successfully Initialized Eventing on Registry
[2012-07-07 00:57:56,393]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.init.JMXServerManager} -  JMX Service URL  :
[2012-07-07 00:57:56,394]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.StartupFinalizerServiceComponent} -  Server
          :  WSO2 Governance Registry-4.5.0-SNAPSHOT
[2012-07-07 00:57:56,395]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.StartupFinalizerServiceComponent} -  WSO2
Carbon started in 26 sec
[2012-07-07 00:57:58,129]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.dashboard.common.oauth.GSOAuthModule} -  Using random key
for OAuth client-side state encryption
[2012-07-07 00:57:58,891]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.ui.internal.CarbonUIServiceComponent} -  Mgt Console URL


> Cheers,
> Anjana.
> On Fri, Jul 6, 2012 at 4:59 PM, Krishantha Samaraweera <
> krishan...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> i have build the whole carbon platform upto G-Reg. getting this error
>> when starting G-Reg pack. What could be the reason here ?
>> 2012-07-06 16:27:19,483]  INFO
>> {org.wso2.carbon.dashboard.dashboardpopulator.GadgetPopulator} -
>>  Successfully populated the default Dashboards.
>> [2012-07-06 16:27:19,780]  INFO
>> {org.wso2.carbon.dashboard.dashboardpopulator.GadgetPopulator} -
>>  Successfully populated the default Gadgets.
>> [2012-07-06 16:27:19,787]  [0] [WSO2 Governance Registry]ERROR
>> {org.wso2.carbon.datasource.internal.DataSourceServiceComponent} -
>>  org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions.RegistryException: Failed to
>> obtain the user realm for tenant: 0.
>> [2012-07-06 16:27:19,788]  [0] [WSO2 Governance Registry]ERROR
>> {org.wso2.carbon.datasource.internal.DataSourceServiceComponent} -  Error
>> in retrieving SystemRegistry from Registry Service
>> [2012-07-06 16:27:19,828]  [0] [WSO2 Governance Registry]ERROR
>> {org.wso2.carbon.datasource.internal.DataSourceServiceComponent} -
>>  org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions.RegistryException: Failed to
>> obtain the user realm for tenant: 0.
>> [2012-07-06 16:27:19,828]  [0] [WSO2 Governance Registry]ERROR
>> {org.wso2.carbon.datasource.internal.DataSourceServiceComponent} -  Error
>> in retrieving SystemRegistry from Registry Service
>> [2012-07-06 16:27:19,834]  [0] [WSO2 Governance Registry]ERROR
>> {org.wso2.carbon.datasource.internal.DataSourceServiceComponent} -
>>  org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.exceptions.RegistryException: Failed to
>> obtain the user realm for tenant: 0.
>> [2012-07-06 16:27:19,834]  [0] [WSO2 Governance Registry]ERROR
>> {org.wso2.carbon.datasource.internal.DataSourceServiceComponent} -  Error
>> in retrieving SystemRegistry from Registry Service
>> [2012-07-06 16:27:19,876]  [0] [WSO2 Governance Registry]ERROR
>> {org.wso2.carbon.datasource.internal.DataSourceServiceComponent} -
>>  org.wso2.carbo
>> Thanks,
>> Krishantha.
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> --
> *Anjana Fernando*
> Associate Technical Lead
> WSO2 Inc. | http://wso2.com
> lean . enterprise . middleware

Ajith Vitharana.
WSO2 Inc. - http://wso2.org
Email  :  aji...@wso2.com
Mobile : +94714631794
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