I'm trying to add  a WSDL which has dependencies ( i.e XSDs) using
following code fragment in side a component that runs in ESB ( i.e CSG
However, registry api doesn't detect that WSDL has dependencies (and import
them also in to registry). Is this a bug or intentional?

     Resource metadataResource = registry.newResource();
     metadataResource.setDescription("Some description");
     String parsistedPath = registry.importResource("/trunk/parsed/wsdls/",
url, metadataResource);

Another approach I tried (after adding the correct governance api bundle
into repo):

        WsdlManager manager = new WsdlManager(getGovernanceUserRegistry());
        Wsdl wsdl = manager.newWsdl(url);

And I did a quick test by trying to import the same wsdl into registry from
ESB UI and it also resulted the same outcome.

But, it seems WSDLMediaTypeHandler is included in
ESB distribution and configured in ./conf/registry.xml file.

Am I missing something here?

- Ramith
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