WSO2 Carbon BRANCH > Platform_4.0.0 > #185 failed.
Code has been updated by rajika, eranda, sinthuja, ajanthan, ishan, nuwanw, 
subash, ajithn.
7/1349 tests failed, no failures were new.


Currently Responsible

No one is responsible for fixing this build.

Failing Jobs
  - Default Job (Default Stage): 7 of 1349 tests failed.

Code Changes
nuwanw (139417):

>fixed fault mediator test failures

ajanthan (139416):

>some improvements

nuwanw (139412):

>changed jruby dependency version

Existing Test Failures (7)
   - URLMappingBasedDispatcherTest: Default resource dispatch
   - GroupTest: Group1
   - GroupTest: Group2
   - IntegerCounterTest: Counter1
   - LockTest: Lock1
   - QueueTest: Queue2
   - QueueTest: Queue1

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