The way we position this now is, there is an underlying
CarbonContextDataHolder which is internal, and should not be used by
anybody outside the util component. The underlying info can be accessed via
CarbonContext & for privileged operations by super tenant, the
PrivilegedCarbonContext. This will involve code changes in all components
that used to use CarbonContextHolder.


On Thu, Sep 13, 2012 at 6:19 PM, Pradeep Fernando <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> status update,
> we (me, azeez, senaka) completed the task for Carbon-kernel. We got
> rid of CarbonContextHolderBase class and merge the implementation
> details to CarbonContextDataHolder.
> In the current code, we have two interface classes,
> * CarbonContext
> * PrivilegedCarbonContext
> Both talk to same underlying impl, which is CarbonContextDataHolder
> (package private)
> We merged the ApplicationCarbonContext class in to CarbonContext as
> well. The only blocker right now is the method
> #getApplicationFromUrlMapping(hostName)
> that found in ApplicationCarbonContext(). This method refers to global
> level config and does not belong to carbonContext IMHO. Amani and Reka
> working on refactoring that part of the code.
> --Pradeep

*Afkham Azeez*
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