WSO2 Carbon 4.0.x > Products 4.0.6 > #57 failed.
Code has been updated by hasini, maninda, prabatha, dushan, thilini.
12/969 tests failed, 2 failures were new.


Currently Responsible

No one is responsible for fixing this build.

Failing Jobs
  - Default Job (Default Stage): 12 of 969 tests failed.

Code Changes
thilini (153229):

>setting default to true

dushan (153248):

>added missing out tranformation

thilini (153232):

>wsdl update for email disable functionality

New Test Failures (2)
   - RetrieveBackendWsdlTestCase: Retrieve backend service wsdl
   - GETRequestHandlerTestCase: Proxy service w s d l
Existing Test Failures (10)
   - JAXWSSampleTestCase: J a x w s request
   - FailoverEndpointTestCase: Sending fail over endpoint with specific errors
   - AggregateWithHighMaxAndLowMinTestCase: Equalto maximum
   - SpringMediationTestCase: Upload sequence having invalid spring x m l test
   - SpringMediationTestCase: Upload sequence having non existing spring x m l 
resource test
   - XsltTransformationFromUrlTestCase: Upload synapse config
   - ConfiguringNhttpAccessLogLocationTestCase: Nhttp access log location
   - MessageWithoutContentTypeTestCase: Message without content type
   - MalformedHTTPRequestTest: Malformed u r l
   - UrlEncordedFormPostViaProxyTestCase: Https request via http proxy
Fixed Tests (3)
   - PropertyWithinSequenceTestCase: More number than maximum
   - JSONToSOAPConversionUsingSample440TestCase: J s o n to s o a p conversion
   - Sample440Test: J s o n mediation

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