Thanks alot Manula!

On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 6:03 PM, Manula Waidyanatha <> wrote:

> Hi Manisha,
> Its done.
> On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 4:21 PM, Manisha Gayathri <>wrote:
>> Hi Manula,
>> I have created a new gitblit certificate in /mnt/gitblit-1.0.0 (of
>> ubuntu@appfactorystaging04) with a new CN name(
>> instead of localhost. (The commands
>> in [1] was used to create the certificate.)
>> Please follow the instructions below to change the setup.
>> 1. In /mnt/gitblit-1.0.0/gitblit/ file, change the
>> server.storePassword as follows:
>> *server.storePassword=gitblitnew*
>> 2. In /mnt/gitblit-1.0.0/gitblit, rename the "gitblitnew.jks" file to "*
>> keystore*".
>> 3. Import the newly created gitblit certificate, to the client-truststore
>> of WSO2 AppFactory using the command below. (Run the command from
>> ubuntu@appfactorystaging01:/mnt/
>>  *keytool -import -alias gitblitnew -file
>> /mnt/gitblit-1.0.0/gitblit/gitblitnew.pem -keystore client-truststore.jks
>> -storepass wso2carbon*
>> 4. Restart the Gitblit server and the WSO2 AppFactory server.
>> I have tested the above in my local set up and this works.
>> Please update the setup at the earliest possible. :)
>> [1]. commands
>>    - keytool -genkey -alias gitblitnew -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024
>>    -keypass gitblitnew -keystore gitblitnew.jks -storepass gitblitnew
>>    - keytool -list -v -keystore gitblitnew.jks -storepass gitblitnew
>>    - keytool -export -alias gitblitnew -keystore gitblitnew.jks
>>    -storepass gitblitnew -file gitblitnew.pem
>> Thanks
>> Manisha
>> On Fri, May 10, 2013 at 3:23 AM, Harshana Martin <>wrote:
>>> Hi Asanka, Manisha,
>>> Thanks a lot for the update on APIs.
>>> From tooling PoV, we have completed implementation and integration of
>>> app factory perspective, user login, app list view and app details view
>>> including check out and import support for applications.
>>> TODOs:
>>> Tooling:
>>> 1. Implement the build logs view
>>> App Factory:
>>> 1. Update the testing environment with new certificates for servers
>>> since this is a blockef for the app factory user story as it result failure
>>> to checkout apps using EGit/JGit in Eclipse.
>>> Once we have above 2 done, we can have the complete user story around
>>> this.
>>> Thanks and Regards,
>>> Harshana
>>> Sent from my Galaxy S II
>>> On May 9, 2013 7:28 PM, "Asanka Dissanayake" <> wrote:
>>>> Hi All,
>>>> for details you have requested please refer to following APis and its
>>>> parameters.
>>>> to get appowner and other users:
>>>> Parameters:
>>>> action=getAppUsersByRoles
>>>> applicationKey=
>>>> in return you will get a JSON like below,
>>>> {"developer" : {"users" : [""], "displayName" :
>>>> "Developer"}, "appOwner" : {"users" : [""],
>>>> "displayName" : "Application Owner"}}
>>>> to get databases.
>>>> Parameters:
>>>> action=getDatabases
>>>> applicationKey=
>>>> to get datasources:
>>>> Parameters:
>>>> action=getDatasources
>>>> applicationKey=
>>>> to get application api.
>>>> parameters:
>>>> action=getApplicationAPI
>>>> applicationKey=
>>>> to get properties:
>>>> action=getAllDependencies
>>>> applicationKey=
>>>> On Tue, May 7, 2013 at 7:57 PM, Manisha Gayathri <>wrote:
>>>>> Changes that needs to be done:
>>>>> 1. If using HTTPClient, make the httpclient version *4.1 *(above 4.0)
>>>>>  <dependency>
>>>>>             <groupId>org.apache.httpcomponents</groupId>
>>>>>             <artifactId>httpclient</artifactId>
>>>>>             <version>4.1</version>
>>>>>         </dependency>
>>>>> 2. To get build logs, you need to get the build log URL from the API.
>>>>> Respective API call is:
>>>>> Url:
>>>>> action: getBuildLogsUrl
>>>>> applicationVersion: app2_mani
>>>>> applicationVersion: trunk
>>>>> lastBuildNo: xxxx  ---- To get this value refer step 3
>>>>> *Response*:
>>>>> 3. To get last build number, you need to call API as follows:
>>>>> Url:
>>>>> action: buildinfobyappid
>>>>> applicationVersion: app2_mani
>>>>> *Response*: [{"value" : "2", "name" : "Successful"}, {"value" : "0",
>>>>> "name" : "Failed"}, {"value" : "0", "name" : "Not Build"}, {"value" : "0",
>>>>> "name" : "Unstable"}, {"value" : "0", "name" : "Building"}, {"value" : 
>>>>> "0",
>>>>> "name" : "Aborted"}]
>>>>> From here, you can get the last build number by parsing the JSON. (For
>>>>> step 2 and 3, refer the sample
>>>>> 4.  Once you get the jenkins URL, you can get the build logs using the
>>>>> URL via an HTTP client. Refer the sample code
>>>>> --
>>>>> ~Regards
>>>>> *Manisha Eleperuma*
>>>>> Software Engineer, Solutions TG
>>>>> WSO2, Inc.:
>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>> *blog:*
>>>>> *mobile:  +94 71 8279777*
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> On Thu, May 2, 2013 at 11:33 AM, Manisha Gayathri <>wrote:
>>>>>> Moving to Dev
>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 6:21 PM, Isabelle Mauny <>wrote:
>>>>>>> Good notes Manisha.
>>>>>>> What we are missing are action items:
>>>>>>> - Create AppFactory preferences (relevant URL + credentials)
>>>>>>> - Work out a solution to have a view of apps for a given user +
>>>>>>> versions + status + relevant information from a dev point of view
>>>>>>>   a) Repo URLs
>>>>>>>   b) Resources
>>>>>>> This includes identifying potential holes in AppFactory on the API
>>>>>>> front . Please please remember it is NOT an option to connect to any of 
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> systems the AppFactory provides by default (i.e. redmine, Jenkins, 
>>>>>>> etc.) -
>>>>>>> Customers are likely to use different options ( say JIRA + Hudson ) so 
>>>>>>> from
>>>>>>> a DevStudio perspective or any other client, you can only use AF APIs,
>>>>>>> nothing more. APIs which, by the way, need to be documented.
>>>>>>> - Create an AppFactory perspective with that view  and embedded
>>>>>>> browser which opens AF Portal page automatically ( as per the AppFactory
>>>>>>> preferences set , i.e. URL).
>>>>>>> - Enrich context assist with relevant templates such as invoking the
>>>>>>> tokenAPI of the API manager to obtain an access token from my web app.
>>>>>>> I will schedule  another review next week April 25th, same time.
>>>>>>> Let's try to have a POC of this running in the meantime.
>>>>>>> Thanks for all your efforts..
>>>>>>> Isabelle.
>>>>>>> ------
>>>>>>> Isabelle Mauny
>>>>>>> Director, Product Management; WSO2, Inc.;
>>>>>>> email: <> - mobile: +34 616050684
>>>>>>> On Thu, Apr 18, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Manisha Gayathri 
>>>>>>> <>wrote:
>>>>>>>> Currently what we have is, the developer has to MANUALLY checkout
>>>>>>>> the created app in appfac using subclipse or egit which comes with
>>>>>>>> eclipse.Nothing is handled in DevStudio side.
>>>>>>>>  In the app factory's App Mgt home page, we show the browser and
>>>>>>>> checkout urls. But we don't show any info separately whether the url 
>>>>>>>> is a
>>>>>>>> git or svn. (The info in the URL is not enough).
>>>>>>>> Therefore add a label or something saying whether the project is in
>>>>>>>> SVN or GIT.
>>>>>>>> Under the application type, we only have a set of pre defined app
>>>>>>>> types/archetypes.
>>>>>>>> We need to have a facility to add new archetypes as application
>>>>>>>> type. (like a spring webapp)
>>>>>>>> We need to have a run time environment and container to run that
>>>>>>>> new app type also
>>>>>>>> Correct the archetype from app fac side, because app fac archetype
>>>>>>>> is not matching with dev studio archetype
>>>>>>>> Dev Studio should not directly talk to Jenkins to get build info.
>>>>>>>> It should get info from the REST API that is being called by the appfac
>>>>>>>> Build button (so that the DevS can work with Jenkins, Hudson etc)
>>>>>>>> Dev Studio should handle only Direct Deployment (deploying in dev
>>>>>>>> env). Promoting to other stages will not be handled by DevS.
>>>>>>>> Social aspect of the App Fac and DevS should be there. (Not in the
>>>>>>>> immediate version). A wall to show notifications in Dev Studio UI and 
>>>>>>>> App
>>>>>>>> Fac UI should be present. So that when a dev promotes an app to QA, it 
>>>>>>>> is
>>>>>>>> notified to the relevant parties.
>>>>>>>> User should see lifecycle of an app(eg: multiple users are working
>>>>>>>> on same project using DevS ,when someone commits, others should see 
>>>>>>>> project
>>>>>>>> source is updated).
>>>>>>>> From DevS, developer should be able to login to App Fac Editor,
>>>>>>>> using his App Fac credentials. Then the user should be able to see the 
>>>>>>>> apps
>>>>>>>> that he is working on. He selects the app version required and it 
>>>>>>>> should
>>>>>>>> automatically checkout from the source repo and import to the DevS.
>>>>>>>> When a developer go to App Fac editor, and start working on a
>>>>>>>> checked out app, there should be views that shows the resources 
>>>>>>>> available
>>>>>>>> for the app. (JDBC URLs, APIs etc)
>>>>>>>> Also it should display the Build Status, latest versions (like last
>>>>>>>> 5 versions of the app if the app has 100s of versions) etc.
>>>>>>>> Please add if I have missed anything
>>>>>>>> Thanks
>>>>>>>> Manisha
>>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> ~Regards
>>>>>>>> *Manisha Eleperuma*
>>>>>>>> Software Engineer, Solutions TG
>>>>>>>> WSO2, Inc.:
>>>>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>>>>> *blog:*
>>>>>>>> *mobile:  +94 71 8279777*
>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>>>> *
>>>>>> --
>>>>>> ~Regards
>>>>>> *Manisha Eleperuma*
>>>>>> Software Engineer, Solutions TG
>>>>>> WSO2, Inc.:
>>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>>> *blog:*
>>>>>> *mobile:  +94 71 8279777*
>>>>>> *
>>>>>> *
>>>>> --
>>>>> ~Regards
>>>>> *Manisha Eleperuma*
>>>>> Software Engineer, Solutions TG
>>>>> WSO2, Inc.:
>>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>>> *blog:*
>>>>> *mobile:  +94 71 8279777*
>>>>> *
>>>>> *
>>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>>> Dev mailing list
>>>> --
>>>> *Asanka Dissanayake
>>>> Software Engineer*
>>>> *WSO2 Inc. - lean . enterprise . middleware |*
>>>> *
>>>> email: <>,   blog:
>>>>,  mobile: +94
>>>> 71 8373821*
>> --
>> ~Regards
>> *Manisha Eleperuma*
>> Software Engineer, Solutions TG
>> WSO2, Inc.:
>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>> *blog:*
>> *mobile:  +94 71 8279777*
>> *
>> *
> --
> Regards,
> Manula Waidyanatha
> Systems Engineer, WSO2, Inc.
> Phone: +94 774 195853

*Manisha Eleperuma*
Software Engineer, Solutions TG
WSO2, Inc.:

*mobile:  +94 71 8279777*
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