WSO2 Message Broker 2.1.0 - RC1 Released!

WSO2 MB team is pleased to announce the 2.1.0-RC1 release of
the WSO2 Message Broker.

WSO2 Message Broker 2.1.0, JMS message broker backed up with
the wso2 distributed message brokering engine "Andes" is compliant with
AMQP 0-91 version.The new RC1 version contains,

• Hierarchical Topics Subscription feature
• Queue Message browsing feature with added UI support
• In memory message store feature with faster message publishing and
consuming (queues/topics).
• Message expiration feature
• Support Number of Maximum Message Re-Delivery Tries Configuration
• Support Message Re delivery Header Field (useful to JMS applications)
• Providing test message sending support to a given queue from admin console
• Providing queue purging ability from WSO2 MB admin console
• Ability to cluster according to 5 deployment patterns.
• Accurate count of messages residing in queues
• Sorted queue list based on the descending order of message count
• Working with port-offset in standalone mode
• Ability to view inner details of the cluster using Management Console of
any node in the cluster
• Message delivery fine tuning capabilities and many bug fixes and
• Ability to set Cassandra replication factor and read/write consistency
• Many bug fixes and improvements

You can download this distribution from

   1. Extract the downloaded zip
   2. Go to the bin directory in the extracted folder
   3. Run the or wso2server.bat as appropriate
   4. Point your browser to the URL https://localhost:9443/carbon
   5. Use "admin", "admin" as the username and password to login as an
admin and create a user account
   6. Use the documentation to get to know on how to creating clients,
using clients and deployment guide to do clustering.
Fixed Issues
Fixed issues are listed at the following url:

Known IssuesKnown issues are listed at the following url:

You can report issues at

-- WSO2 Message Broker Team --

Malinga Pathmal,
Technical Lead, WSO2, Inc. :
Phone : (+94) 715335898
Dev mailing list

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