WSO2 Message Broker 2.1.0 Released!

WSO2 MB team is pleased to announce the 2.1.0 release of
the WSO2 Message Broker.

WSO2 Message Broker 2.1.0, JMS message broker backed up with
the wso2 distributed message brokering engine "Andes" is compliant with
AMQP 0-91 version.

WSO2 Message Broker (WSO2 MB) 2.1.0 is fast, lightweight and user friendly
open source distributed message brokering system under the Apache Software
License v2.0 <>. WSO2 MB
allows system administrators and developers to easily configure jms queues
and topics which could be used in message routing, message stores, message
processors. It also supports  ws-eventing. WSO2 MB is compliant with
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol Version 0-91 and Java Message Service
Specification version 1.1.

You can download this distribution from and give it a try.

How to Run
   1. Extract the downloaded zip
   2. Go to the bin directory in the extracted folder
   3. Run the or wso2server.bat as appropriate
   4. Point your browser to the URL https://localhost:9443/carbon
   5. Use "admin", "admin" as the username and password to login as an
admin and create a user account
   6. Use the documentation to get to know on how to creating clients,
using clients and deployment guide to do clustering.

New Features in this release

   - Queue Browsing
   - Queue Purging
   - Test message Sending
   - Re-delivery headers
   - Configurable maximum message re-delivery attempts
   - In-memory brokering
   - Cluster management


   - Configurable cassandra replication factor and consistency level
   - Queue sorting based on message count with queue browser
   - Configurable messages per page count with queue browser
   - New samples for each messaging scenarios

*Key Features of WSO2 Message Broker*

   - JMS Queuing
   - JMS Pub/Sub
   - WS-Eventing
   - Message Browsing
   - Clustering Support
   - User based authorization for queues
   - Role based authorization for topics
   - Hierarchical Topics Subscriptions
   - In memory message store
   - Queue Message browsing with added UI support
   - Message Re-Delivery Tries Configuration
   - Message Re delivery Header Field support
   - Clustering according to 5 deployment patterns
   - Message delivery fine tuning capabilities
   - Viewing details of the cluster using Management Console

*Bugs Fixed in This Release*

This release of WSO2 MB comes with a number of bug fixes, both in the base
framework and the MB specific components. All the issues which have been
fixed in MB 2.1.0 are recorded at following locations:

   - Fixed MB specific issues<>

Known Issues

All the open issues pertaining to WSO2 MB 2.1.0 are reported at following

   - WSO2 MB 2.1.0 component

How You Can ContributeMailing Lists

Join our mailing list and correspond with the developers directly.

   - Developer List : |
    | Mail Archive <>

Reporting Issues

WSO2 encourages you to report issues and your enhancement requests for the
WSO2 MB using the public JIRA <>.

You can also watch how they are resolved, and comment on the progress..
Discussion Forums

Alternatively, questions could be raised on<>
Project Resources

   - Home page:    
   - Library:          
   - Wiki:              
   - JIRA-Issue Tracker:


We are committed to ensuring that your enterprise middleware deployment is
completely supported from evaluation to production. Our unique approach
ensures that all support leverages our open development methodology and is
provided by the very same engineers who build the technology.

For more details and to take advantage of this unique opportunity please

For more information on WSO2 MB Please see<>,
visit the WSO2 Oxygen Tank developer portal for additional resources.

Thank you for your interest in WSO2 Message Broker.

*-- The WSO2 MB Team --*
Dev mailing list

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