Hi Susinda,

Please find comment inline.

>> Suppose we have a sample payloadFactory configuration as follows
>> <payloadFactory media-type="json">
>>         <format>json body</format>
>>         <args>
>>             <arg evaluator="xml" expression="/person/gender"/>
>>             <arg value="2013"/>
>>             <arg evaluator="json" expression="$fname"/>
>>         </args>
>> </payloadFactory>
>> 1. Is there any use cases such that *media-type="json"* and <*arg
>> evaluator="xml"*  will be used
> "media-type" is to specify the type which will be used to compose the
outgoing payload (json/xml) and "evaluator" is used to specify the type of
the expression (JsonPath/Xpath) used. UseCase : Incoming XML and need to
send a Different Json payload to BE which consist of some values extracted
from the incoming XML.

2. Possible use case of *media-type="xml"* and <*arg
evaluator="json"*(opposite of the question one)
UseCase: when incoming payload is json and Steam Builders and Formatters
are used, we use evaluator=json. The reason is, when the stream builders
are enabled, content is set to a property JSON_STREAM and we have to
extract the payload from that instead of taking it from the soap body.
There we are using JsonPath to traverse the json object.

>> And some synapse code problems
>> payloadFactoryMediator has has methods called getJsonPathArgumentList()
>> and getXPathArgumentList(). I used these methods to access arguments, issue
>> was the value type argument (<arg value="2013"/>) is returned from both
>> methods.
>> 3. Is this a bug or intended behavior.
This is an intended behavior. We only read the arguments in the synapse
config once, when the PF initialize. Then keep the two argument types
separately in two Lists and use the appropriate one for the scenarios
Eg: if xml -> PF -> xml, we use getXpath..
      if json -> PF -> json and stream BnF are enabled, we use getJsonPath..
Values has to be there in both lists since it's common for both.

>> And a suggestion
>> 4 .How about giving the config something like follows (omitting the
>> evaluator because in code level it is handled in that way). Hope this
>> simplifies coding and understandability.
>> <args>
>>             <arg expression="/person/gender"/>
>>             <arg value="2013"/>
>>             <arg jsonpath="$fname"/>
>> </args>
"evaluator" is used to distinguish different expression types. suppose we
add more expression types in future, what makes more sense is keeping the
arg type as expression and keep adding the different evaluator types.


Nalin Chamara
Software Engineer
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