Hi All,

Apparently there's some serious ordering/execution issue when the bunch of
tests run with the framework.

For example if you run a single class LCStateIdNameTestCase all test passes
but fails when running only with the package
(org.wso2.carbon.registry.lifecycle.test in this case). Failure below with
the reason for the same. This fails as the logs indicate a different LC is
attached to the service while executing the method.

So how this is possible? There can be multiple reasons but one can be the
use of same service/metadata in multiple test cases and another test case
attaches a different LC to the same service referred by the current test

One way this can be avoided (at least for the most part) is re-factor the
test cases to avoid these multiple test methods with @Test (to add
service/LC etc...) in that the main test case in focus do the necessary
 method calls directly (to setup required services etc...) and do the
asserts (This can be done some restructuring of the current tests) itself.

Is there any other way this interference can be avoided within the

[2013-08-07 16:33:49,811]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.automation.core.PlatformTestManager} -  On test success..
[2013-08-07 16:33:49,812]  INFO
{org.wso2.carbon.automation.core.PlatformTestManager} -  Running the test
method ---
+++++++++++++++++++ LC PR:
+++++++++++++++++++++++++/trunk/services/com/abb/IntergalacticService, *
++++++++++++++++++ LC PROP: +++++++++++++++registry.lifecycle.*
++++++++++++++++++ LC PROP:
++++++++++++++++++ LC PROP:
++++++++++++++++++ LC PROP:
++++++++++++++++++ LC PROP:
++++++++++++++++++ LC PROP:
++++++++++++++++++ LC PROP:
[2013-08-07 16:33:50,082] ERROR
{org.wso2.carbon.automation.core.PlatformTestManager} -  On Test failure..
[2013-08-07 16:33:50,083] ERROR
{org.wso2.carbon.automation.core.PlatformTestManager} -
LifeCycle not added to service expected [true] but found [false]*


Vijitha Kumara
Senior Software Engineer; WSO2, Inc.;  http://wso2.com/
email: viji...@wso2.com

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