On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 2:45 PM, Sameera Jayasoma <same...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Please remove the cartridges related features from the features project.
+1, We can do this for all features which are donated with Apache Stratos.
It might help avoiding future failures as well.


> Thanks,
> Sameera.
> On Fri, Aug 23, 2013 at 6:09 PM, Gihan Anuruddha <gi...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cartridge Agent Feature ............. FAILURE
>> [8.688s]
>> [INFO] WSO2 Cartridge Agent - Composite Feature .......... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cloud Controller Feature Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Stratos Cloud Controller Feature .... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cartridge Management UI Feature Aggregator Module
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cartridge Management UI Feature ..... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Unified Endpoint Feature Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Unified Endpoint Management Core Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Unified Endpoint Management UI Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Unified Endpoint Management Feature . SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Database Console Feature Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Database Console UI Feature ....................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Deployment Synchronizer Feature Aggregator Module
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Deployment Synchronizer Server Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - SVN Based Deployment Synchronizer Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Deployment Synchronizer Feature ..... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Deployment Synchronizer UI Feature .. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - GIT Based Deployment Synchronizer Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - EC2-Client Module Parent Feature .... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - EC2-Client Module Feature ........... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - ESB Mediation Feature ............... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - ESB Mediation UI feature ............ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - ESB Mediation Server feature ........ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - ESB Mediation feature ............... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Mediation Security Feature Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Mediation Security Server Feature ... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Mediation Security Feature .......... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Mediation Security Feature .......... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - RSS Manager Aggregate Feature ....... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] RSS Manager Server Feature ........................ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] RSS Manager UI Feature ............................ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] RSS Manager Feature ............................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Coordination Feature Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Coordination Server Feature ......... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Coordination Core Feature ........... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Coordination Feature ................ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Tasks Feature ....................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Rest API Aggregator Module .......... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Rest API UI Feature ................. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Rest API Server Feature ............. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Rest API Feature .................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - API management Feature Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Api management Core Feature ......... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Api management Gateway Feature ...... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - API Publisher Feature ............... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - API Store Feature ................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Api management Server Interceptor Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Api management Server Startup Publisher Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Api management Feature .............. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Feature - Andes Aggregator Module ... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Feature - Andes - Server ............ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Feature - Andes - UI ................ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Feature - Andes ..................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Data Agents Aggregator Module ... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Mediation Data Agent Feature Aggregator Module
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Mediation Data Agent Server Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Mediation Data Agent UI Feature . SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Mediation Data Agent Aggregate Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Service Data Agent Feature Aggregator Module
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Service Data Agent Server Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Service Data Agent UI Feature ... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Service Data Agent Aggregate Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM JMX Data Agent Feature Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM JMX Agent Server Feature ........ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM JMX Agent UI Feature ............ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM JMX Agent Aggregate Feature ..... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Webapp Stats Data Agent Feature Aggregator
>> Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Webapp Stats Data Agent Server Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Webapp Stats Data Agent UI Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Webapp Stats Data Agent Aggregate Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - bam2 Feature Aggregator Module ...... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Dashboard Server Feature ........ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Dashboard UI Feature ............ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Dashboard Feature ............... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM ToolBox Deployer Server Feature . SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Tool Box Deployer UI Feature .... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Tool Box Deployer Feature ....... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Cassandra Data Archival Server Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Cassandra Data Archive UI Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Cassandra Archive Feature ....... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Analytics Feature Aggregator Module . SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Hive Analytics Feature .............. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Hive Explorer UI Feature ............ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Analytics Feature ................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Analytics UI Feature ................ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Analytics Feature ................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Autoscaler Module ................................. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Autoscaler Feature .................. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Load Balancer Module .............................. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - LB Common Feature ................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Tenant Aware Load Balancer Feature Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Loadbalancer Endpoint Management Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Gadget Generation Feature Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Gadget Generation Server Feature .... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Gadget Generation UI Feature ........ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Gadget Generation Feature ........... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Feature Aggregator Module . SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Explorer server Feature ... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Explorer UI Feature ....... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Explorer Feature .......... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Core Server Feature ... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Thrift Reciever Server Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - REST API Server Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Cassandra Defn Storage Server Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Data Receiver Aggregate Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Cassandra Defn Storage Aggregator
>> Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Cassandra Data Sink Server Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - All Cassandra Features Aggregator
>> Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Registry Defn Storage Server Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - New Datasource Management Feature ... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Jaggery Server - Features Aggregator Module .. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Jaggery Server - Style Features .............. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Jaggery Server Feature ............................ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Jaggery Management UI Feature ..................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] Jaggery aggregate Feature ......................... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Application Server Runtime Environments Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - CXF Runtime Environment ............. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - J2EE Runtime Environment ............ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Hadoop Feature Aggregator Module .... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Hadoop HDFS Feature Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - HDFS Data Access Feature ............ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - HDFS Management Feature ............. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Hadoop Server Management UI Feature . SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - HDFS Name Node Feature .............. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Hadoop MapReduce Feature Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Hadoop - Carbon Security  Feature ... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Kerberos Authenticator Feature ...... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Kerberos Authenticator UI Feature ... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Processing Feature Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Builder Feature ............... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Builder Server Feature ........ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Builder UI Feature ............ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Builder Aggregator Feature .... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Formatter Feature ............. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Formatter Server Feature ...... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Formatter UI Feature .......... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Formatter Aggregator Feature .. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Processor Feature ............. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Processor Server Feature ...... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Processor UI Feature .......... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Processor Aggregator Feature .. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - CEP Process Flow Feature ............ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - CEP Process Flow UI Feature ......... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - CEP Process Flow Aggregator Feature . SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Statistics Feature Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Statistics Core Feature ....... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Statistics UI Feature ......... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Statistics Feature ............ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Tracer Feature Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Tracer Core Feature ........... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Tracer UI Feature ............. SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Tracer Feature ................ SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Input Transport Adaptor Feature ..... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Input Transport Adaptor Server Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Input JMS Transport Adaptor Server Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Input WSO2Event Transport Adaptor Server Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Input Email Transport Adaptor Server Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Input WSEvent Local Transport Adaptor Server Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Input WSEvent Transport Adaptor Server Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Transport Adaptor Manager Server Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Transport Adaptor Manager UI Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Input Transport Adaptor Aggregator Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Output Transport Adaptor Feature .... SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Output Transport Adaptor Server Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Output JMS Transport Adaptor Server Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Output WSO2Event Transport Adaptor Server Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Output Email Transport Adaptor Server Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Output SMS Transport Adaptor Server Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Output WSEvent Local Transport Adaptor Server
>> Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Output WSEvent Transport Adaptor Server Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Output Cassandra Transport Adaptor Server Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Output Transport Adaptor Manager Server Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Output Transport Adaptor Manager UI Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Output Mysql Transport Adaptor Server Feature
>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Output Transport Adaptor Aggregator Feature  SKIPPED
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [INFO] Total time: 12.422s
>> [INFO] Finished at: Fri Aug 23 17:56:30 IST 2013
>> [INFO] Final Memory: 90M/874M
>> [INFO]
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project
>> org.wso2.carbon.cartridge.agent.server.feature: Could not resolve
>> dependencies for project
>> org.wso2.carbon:org.wso2.carbon.cartridge.agent.server.feature:pom:1.0.0:
>> Could not find artifact
>> org.wso2.carbon:org.wso2.carbon.cartridge.agent:jar:1.0.0 in wso2-nexus (
>> http://maven.wso2.org/nexus/content/groups/wso2-public/) -> [Help 1]
>> [ERROR]
>> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the
>> -e switch.
>> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
>> [ERROR]
>> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
>> please read the following articles:
>> [ERROR] [Help 1]
>> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyResolutionException
>> --
>> ---
>> W.G. Gihan Anuruddha
>> Senior Software Engineer | WSO2, Inc.
>> M: +94772272595
>> _______________________________________________
>> Dev mailing list
>> Dev@wso2.org
>> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev
> --
> Sameera Jayasoma,
> Architect,
> WSO2, Inc. (http://wso2.com)
> email: same...@wso2.com
> blog: http://sameera.adahas.org
> twitter: https://twitter.com/sameerajayasoma
> flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sameera-jayasoma/collections
> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
> Dev@wso2.org
> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev

Lahiru Sandaruwan
Software Engineer,
Platform Technologies,
WSO2 Inc., http://wso2.com

email: lahi...@wso2.com cell: (+94) 773 325 954
blog: http://lahiruwrites.blogspot.com/
twitter: http://twitter.com/lahirus
linked-in: http://lk.linkedin.com/pub/lahiru-sandaruwan/16/153/146
Dev mailing list

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