We need to consider deployment pattern 1 in clustering guide [1]. To
address this pattern though test framework, type of the elb instance should
be "lb_worker" and mgt instance details should be kept separately. In order
to generate service URLs, we can check lb instance type, if it is
"lb_worker" and no "lb_manager" instance configs present, then build the
management node environment with instance defined with the type "manager".

<instance name="lbw002" type="lb_worker" servicePortType="nhttpport">
                <workerHost>esb.wso2con.com <http://mgt.esb.wso2con.com>

<instance name="asm001" type="manager" servicePortType="nhttpport">
                <host>mgt.wso2con.com <http://mgt.esb.wso2con.com></host>



On Fri, Nov 8, 2013 at 10:04 AM, Malintha Adikari <malin...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> Automating tests in clustered environment - Storing configuration details
> for different clustering patterns.
> *Context of product group instances for clustering environment test
> scenario*
> Product groups instance contains the basic configuration details for each
> product deployment instance in a test scenario. ( host, http port, https
> port etc..). In clustered environment the product group instances should
> have one or more load balancer instances. As there are different
> Worker/Manager Clustering Patterns, the structure of the load balancer
> instances/instances may differ from pattern to pattern. The structure of
> the product instance is depending on the number of load balancing nodes
> participating to the cluster. If it is one, the load balancer node should
> be able manage both service and management requests. So that the test
> framework's load balancer instance should contain both worker and manager
> domain details in order to generate the appropriate URL's. To address this
> issue the "lb_worker_manager" instance type is proposed. It contains both
> worker host and the manager host. Ex: Following is the proposed instance
> for a scenario ESB worker and manager nodes fronted by single ELB node.
>           <instance name="lbw001" type="lb_worker_manager"
> servicePortType="nhttpport">
>                 <workerHost>esb.wso2con.com</workerHost>
>                 <managerHost>mgt.esb.wso2con.com</managerHost>
>                 <httpport>9763</httpport>
>                 <httpsport>9443</httpsport>
>                 <nhttpsport>8243</nhttpsport>
>                 <nhttpport>8280</nhttpport>
>                 <webContext>/</webContext>
>             </instance>
> A pattern where there are more than one load balancer nodes participating
> for the cluster can have only one host details depending on the nodes they
> front. As  an example a load balancer node that fronts manager nodes
> cluster is mapped like follows
>             <instance name="lbw002" type="lb_manager"
> servicePortType="nhttpport">
>                 <managerHost>mgt.esb.wso2con.com</managerHost>
>                 <httpport>9763</httpport>
>                 <httpsport>9443</httpsport>
>                 <nhttpsport>8243</nhttpsport>
>                 <nhttpport>8280</nhttpport>
>                 <webContext>/</webContext>
>             </instance>
> The service URL generation logic will be changed according to the proposed
> structures.
> Regards,
> Malintha Adikari
> On Thu, Oct 31, 2013 at 8:56 AM, Dharshana Warusavitharana <
> dharsha...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi Malintha,
>> I think configuration should be something like
>>     <instance name="asw001" type="standalone" nonBlockingEnabled="true">
>> Here basically we need NHTTP for ESB and LB only. As out initial design
>> we check whether NHTTP and NHTTPS potts are null or not to assign this
>> to url.
>> Though +1 fo introducing a configuration.
>> But still the servicePortType="nhttpport" does not reflect actually what
>> we need to do here
>> this should be either
>>     <instance name="asw001" type="standalone" nonBlockingEnabled="true">
>> or
>>     <instance name="asw001" type="standalone" transportType="nonBlocking
>> ">
>> Thank You,
>> Dharshana.
>> On Wed, Oct 30, 2013 at 11:11 PM, Malintha Adikari <malin...@wso2.com>wrote:
>>> *Running the test in product/stratos modes*
>>> The tenant which is used to build the test environment decides whether
>>> test is running on product or stratos modes. In the case of the super
>>> tenant user is used to build the test environment , the test is running on
>>> product mode. If the tenant is any other it runs in stratos mode. As an
>>> example :
>>> Following is  ESB test base class.
>>>  public class ESBIntegrationTest {
>>>     ................................
>>>     ................................
>>>     protected void init() throws URISyntaxException, SAXException,
>>> IOException, XMLStreamException,
>>> ConfigurationMismatchException {
>>>     ..............................
>>>     ..............................
>>>         automationContextBuilder = new
>>> AutomationContextBuilder("ESB","asw001");
>>>         automationContextBuilder.build("wso2.com", "user1");
>>>     }
>>>     .........................
>>>  }
>>> With the above configuration uses a tenant which domain is 'wso2.com'
>>> (not the super tenant -carbon.super) and the test will be executed in
>>> stratos mode.
>>> Adding custom service port type to instance nodes
>>> With the improvement Test Automation Framework users can use custom
>>> service port type in the case of service URL generation. This feature is
>>> essential for ESB tests as it uses the nhttp/nhttps ports for the service
>>> URL for generating. Users have to mention the type of the port which is
>>> expected to be used to generate the URL in the PlatformContext - >
>>> ProductGroup - > instance node. Also that mentioned port should be included
>>> as a child element of the instance node. As an example :
>>> <platform>
>>>    <productGroup name="ESB" clusteringEnabled="true">
>>>       <instance name="asw001" type="standalone"
>>> servicePortType="nhttpport">
>>>                 <host>localhost</host>
>>>                 <httpport>9763</httpport>
>>>                 <webContext></webContext>
>>>                 <httpsport>9443</httpsport>
>>>                 <nhttpport>8280</nhttpport>
>>>                 <nhttpsport>8280</nhttpsport>
>>>                 <qpidport>123</qpidport>
>>>                 <nhttps1>875</nhttps1>
>>>                 <nhttps2>875</nhttps2>
>>>         <cutomport>8085</customport>
>>>        </instance>
>>> This configuration uses the port which is given as the 'serivePortType'
>>> for service for URL generation ( In this case it is set to 'nhttp'). The
>>> instance node should have that mentioned 'nhttpport' in list of service
>>> port elements. Absense of that will give an execption at the begining of
>>> the test execution.
>>> Also users can define custom ports in the port list and use them for
>>> srvice URL generation when it needs.
>>> On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 5:18 PM, Malintha Adikari <malin...@wso2.com>wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> The progress of the Test Automation Framework re-factoring is as
>>>> follows.
>>>> *1. Improved user population logic for product/platform execution
>>>> environments*
>>>> Improved the user population logic for populate for both product and
>>>> platform execution modes.  Users have to change the executionEnvironment
>>>> tag content inside the configurations to change the environment of
>>>> execution. Ex: if a user want to run the test for platform environment, the
>>>> content of the automation.xml file should be change like
>>>> <configurations>
>>>>         ......................
>>>>         .....................
>>>>         <!--
>>>>          Change this to product/platform to execute test on specific
>>>> environment
>>>>         -->
>>>>         <executionEnvironment>*platform*</executionEnvironment>
>>>>         .....................
>>>>         .....................
>>>>  </configurations>
>>>> Note: Only product and platform environments are allowed as valid
>>>> environments.
>>>> Each execution mode supports multi-tenant and single tenant mode user
>>>> population. Ex: if the user want to run tests in multi-tenant enabled mode,
>>>> the configuration in *automation.xml* should be as follows
>>>> <configurations>
>>>>          ....................
>>>>          ...................
>>>>         <!--
>>>>          Change this to true/false to execute test with user mode or
>>>> tenant mode
>>>>         -->
>>>>         <multiTenantMode>*true*</multiTenantMode>
>>>>         ...................
>>>>         ..................
>>>> </configurations>
>>>> *2. Added check point to catch semantic errors in automation.xml and
>>>> generate an exception when it found such an semantic error*
>>>> *Platform context* of the automation.xml file should be in consistent
>>>> with the execution environment. The content of the automation.xml file is
>>>> expected to be  followed these rules to accepted it as correct
>>>> configurations.
>>>> If user is set the execution mode as
>>>>      1. Product
>>>>               a). There should be only one product group under platform
>>>> context.
>>>>               b). There should be at least one standalone typed
>>>> instance node in the product group.
>>>>     2. Platform
>>>>               a). Every product group should have a load balancer
>>>> manager (lb_manager) typed instance node
>>>> On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 11:32 AM, Malintha Adikari 
>>>> <malin...@wso2.com>wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> Completed implementing the user population logic which is one of the
>>>>> initial task of the test execution cycle. User polulation is supported for
>>>>> both multi- tenant mode and single-tenant mode.
>>>>> Implemented a logic to allow users to add custom propertied to the
>>>>> specific contexts in the automation.xml and refactored the XML schema file
>>>>> to validate the change. Now users are allowed to add custom properties for
>>>>> following context modules in automation.xml file
>>>>>    -  datasources->datasource
>>>>>    -  platform ->productGroup->instance
>>>>>    - tools -> selenium -> browser
>>>>> Note - Adding custom elements for other modules or removing existing
>>>>> elements from any module will be invalidated by the XML schema file.
>>>>> According to the current validation logic one has to change the XML schema
>>>>> file in Automation Framework (path -
>>>>> *org.wso2.carbon.automation.engine/src/main/resources/automationXMLSchema.xsd*)
>>>>> to do any other changes to the automation.xml file.
>>> --
>>> Software Engineer,
>>> WSO2 Inc.  http://wso2.com
>>> (M) +94(71) 2312958
>> --
>> Dharshana Warusavitharana
>> Senior Software Engineer , Test Automation
>> WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.com
>> email : dharsha...@wso2.com <dharsha...@wso2.com>
>> Tel  : +94 11 214 5345
>> Fax :+94 11 2145300
>> cell : +94772202595
>> blog : http://dharshanaw.blogspot.com
>> lean . enterprise . middleware
> --
> Software Engineer,
> WSO2 Inc.  http://wso2.com
> (M) +94(71) 2312958

Krishantha Samaraweera
Senior Technical Lead - Test Automation
Mobile: +94 77 7759918
WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com/
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