
Implemented the logic for executing tests in clustered environments. Users
have to create  product group instances in Automation.xml file which should
contain the configuration for a clustered environment. Following
configurations should be provide in order to execute test in clustered
environment with the current implementation of Test Automation Framework

1. Make the execution environment to 'platform'




2. Enable clustering for the product group


        <productGroup name="ESB" clusteringEnabled="true">




3. Define all instance nodes in the cluster

     As an example for a clustering setup which has one manager node,
multiple worker nodes fronted a by a  load balance node should be define as
follows in the Automation.xml file


    <productGroup name="ESB" clusteringEnabled="true">

           <instance name="lbw001" type="lb_worker_manager"


   a). type : Instance node's role of the cluster

       It can be lb_worker_manager,lb_manager,lb_worker,manager,worker

   b). service port type: Service URLs are generated using this port

   c). <managerHost> : lb_worker_manager and lb_manager instances should
define the Manager Host

   d). <workerHost>  : lb_worker_manager and lb_worker instances should
define Worker Host

4. Users have to build the test environment with the desired instance and
the user in the test. Ex:

        automationContextBuilder = new
        automationContextBuilder.build("carbon.super", "admin");

note: Users can execute the same test in different environments by changing
above settings from the test side (Execute as a platform or product test)


Malintha Adikari,
Software Engineer,
WSO2 Inc.  http://wso2.com
(M) +94(71) 2312958
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