Hi Perera:

    I have changed group_mgt_port to 4100, Now it is OK!
    Thank you for your help!


From: Isuru Perera
Date: 2013-12-19 12:15
To: stevegyc
CC: dev
Subject: Re: [Dev] [DSS]Problem about setting up DSS cluster.

Can you share configs? loadbalancer.conf and axis2.xml of each instances.

I hope you followed exact steps in the wiki docs.

Each DSS instance should define ELB IP and group_mgt_port in its axis2.xml 
<members> section.

As you can see from last log, when you run in clustered mode, it waits for 
another node. In your case nodes are not joined properly. That's why the 
startup hangs there.

On Sun, Dec 15, 2013 at 11:16 PM, stevegyc <steve...@163.com> wrote:

Hi :

I have tried setting up DSS cluster refer to the guide 
"http://docs.wso2.org/display/CLUSTER420/Clustering+Application+Server";, but it 
does not work.
It seems ELB and DSS node(mgt node and worker node) can not find each other. 
And they can not finish the initial process.

I used elb-2.1.0  and dss-3.1.0 .

following is the log information about ELB starting.
[2013-12-16 14:09:23,840]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator Starting WSO2 Carbon...
[2013-12-16 14:09:23,842]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator Operating System : Windows
 7 6.1, x86
[2013-12-16 14:09:23,843]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator Java Home        : D:\Prog
ram Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_17\jre
[2013-12-16 14:09:23,843]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator Java Version     : 1.7.0_1
[2013-12-16 14:09:23,843]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator Java VM          : Java Ho
tSpot(TM) Client VM 23.7-b01,Oracle Corporation
[2013-12-16 14:09:23,843]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator Carbon Home      : D:\proj
[2013-12-16 14:09:23,843]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator Java Temp Dir    : D:\proj
[2013-12-16 14:09:23,843]  INFO - CarbonCoreActivator User             : guoht,
zh-CN, Asia/Shanghai
[2013-12-16 14:09:24,213]  WARN - ValidationResultPrinter The default keystore (
wso2carbon.jks) is currently being used. To maximize security when deploying to
a production environment, configure a new keystore with a unique password in the
 production server profile.
[2013-12-16 14:09:24,228]  INFO - AgentHolder Agent created !
[2013-12-16 14:09:24,308]  INFO - AgentDS Successfully deployed Agent Client
[2013-12-16 14:09:27,607]  INFO - EmbeddedRegistryService Configured Registry in
[2013-12-16 14:09:27,671]  INFO - RegistryCoreServiceComponent Registry Mode
[2013-12-16 14:09:27,946]  INFO - UserStoreMgtDSComponent Carbon UserStoreMgtDSC
omponent activated successfully.
[2013-12-16 14:09:33,192]  INFO - TaglibUriRule TLD skipped. URI: http://tiles.a
pache.org/tags-tiles is already defined
[2013-12-16 14:09:34,417]  INFO - ClusterBuilder Clustering has been enabled
[2013-12-16 14:09:34,429]  INFO - ClusterBuilder Clustering state management has
 been disabled
[2013-12-16 14:09:34,753]  INFO - CarbonAxisConfigurator No modules directory wa
s found under D:\project\wso2\test\elb\repository\deployment\server.
[2013-12-16 14:09:34,835]  INFO - PassThroughHttpSSLSender Initializing Pass-thr
ough HTTP/S Sender...
[2013-12-16 14:09:34,854]  INFO - ClientConnFactoryBuilder HTTPS Loading Identit
y Keystore from : repository/resources/security/wso2carbon.jks
[2013-12-16 14:09:34,883]  INFO - ClientConnFactoryBuilder HTTPS Loading Trust K
eystore from : repository/resources/security/client-truststore.jks
[2013-12-16 14:09:34,997]  INFO - PassThroughHttpSSLSender Pass-through HTTPS Se
nder started...
[2013-12-16 14:09:34,998]  INFO - PassThroughHttpSender Initializing Pass-throug
h HTTP/S Sender...
[2013-12-16 14:09:35,003]  INFO - PassThroughHttpSender Pass-through HTTP Sender
[2013-12-16 14:09:35,026]  WARN - AxiomXpathParser Unable to find a value for id
entity element from Secure Vault.Hence we will try to assign the plain text valu
e (if specified).
[2013-12-16 14:09:35,027]  WARN - AxiomXpathParser Unable to find a value for cr
edential element from Secure Vault.Hence we will try to assign the plain text va
lue (if specified).
[2013-12-16 14:09:35,028]  INFO - CloudControllerDeployer Successfully deployed
the cloud-controller XML file specified at D:\project\wso2\test\elb\bin\..\repos
[2013-12-16 14:09:35,042]  INFO - PassThroughHttpSSLListener Initializing Pass-t
hrough HTTP/S Listener...
[2013-12-16 14:09:35,070]  INFO - PassThroughHttpListener Initializing Pass-thro
ugh HTTP/S Listener...
[2013-12-16 14:09:35,624]  INFO - ModuleDeployer Deploying module: addressing-1.
6.1-wso2v10 - file:/D:/project/wso2/test/elb/bin/../repository/deployment/client
[2013-12-16 14:09:35,649]  INFO - ModuleDeployer Deploying module: rampart-1.6.1
-wso2v1 - file:/D:/project/wso2/test/elb/bin/../repository/deployment/client/mod
[2013-12-16 14:09:35,657]  INFO - TCPTransportSender TCP Sender started
[2013-12-16 14:09:36,451]  INFO - DeploymentEngine Deploying Web service: org.ws
o2.carbon.lb.common -
[2013-12-16 14:09:36,926]  INFO - DeploymentEngine Deploying Web service: org.ws
o2.carbon.stratos.cloud.controller -
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,088]  INFO - CarbonServerManager Repository       : D:\proj
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,104]  INFO - PermissionUpdater Permission cache updated for
 tenant -1234
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,146]  INFO - ServiceBusInitializer Starting ESB...
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,159]  INFO - ServiceBusInitializer Initializing Apache Syna
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,166]  INFO - SynapseControllerFactory Using Synapse home :
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,167]  INFO - SynapseControllerFactory Using synapse.xml loc
ation : D:\project\wso2\test\elb\.\.\repository\deployment\server\synapse-config
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,167]  INFO - SynapseControllerFactory Using server name : l
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,172]  INFO - SynapseControllerFactory The timeout handler w
ill run every : 15s
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,182]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Initializing Synapse at
 : Mon Dec 16 14:09:37 CST 2013
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,185]  INFO - CarbonSynapseController Loading the mediation
configuration from the file system
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,188]  INFO - MultiXMLConfigurationBuilder Building synapse
configuration from the synapse artifact repository at : .\.\repository/deploymen
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,213]  INFO - XMLConfigurationBuilder Generating the Synapse
 configuration model by parsing the XML configuration
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,596]  INFO - SynapseConfigurationBuilder Loaded Synapse con
figuration from the artifact repository at : .\.\repository/deployment/server/sy
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,601]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Loading mediator extens
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,605]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Deploying the Synapse s
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,607]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Deploying Proxy service
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,607]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Deploying EventSources.
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,621]  INFO - ServerManager Server ready for processing...
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,679]  INFO - DynamicLoadbalanceEndpoint Dynamic load balanc
e endpoint initialized
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,681]  INFO - HazelcastClusteringAgent Managing group applic
ation domain:wso2.dss.domain, sub-domain:worker using agent class org.wso2.carbo
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,681]  INFO - HazelcastClusteringAgent Managing group applic
ation domain:wso2.dss.domain, sub-domain:mgt using agent class org.wso2.carbon.c
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,684]  INFO - TenantAwareLoadBalanceEndpoint Tenant Aware Lo
ad Balance Endpoint is initialized.
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,762]  INFO - PassThroughHttpSSLListener Starting Pass-throu
gh HTTPS Listener...
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,778]  INFO - PassThroughHttpSSLListener Pass-through HTTPS
Listener started on 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:8243
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,778]  INFO - PassThroughHttpListener Starting Pass-through
HTTP Listener...
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,791]  INFO - PassThroughHttpListener Pass-through HTTP List
ener started on 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:8280
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,801]  INFO - HazelcastClusteringAgent Cluster domain: wso2.
[2013-12-16 14:09:37,801]  INFO - HazelcastClusteringAgent Using wka based membe
rship management scheme

following is the log information about DSS mgt node starting.
[2013-12-16 14:19:49,166]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivat
or} -  Starting WSO2 Carbon...
[2013-12-16 14:19:49,168]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivat
or} -  Operating System : Windows 7 6.1, x86
[2013-12-16 14:19:49,169]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivat
or} -  Java Home        : D:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jdk1.7.0_17\jre
[2013-12-16 14:19:49,169]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivat
or} -  Java Version     : 1.7.0_17
[2013-12-16 14:19:49,169]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivat
or} -  Java VM          : Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM 23.7-b01,Oracle Corporation

[2013-12-16 14:19:49,169]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivat
or} -  Carbon Home      : D:\project\wso2\test\mgt\bin\..
[2013-12-16 14:19:49,169]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivat
or} -  Java Temp Dir    : D:\project\wso2\test\mgt\bin\..\tmp
[2013-12-16 14:19:49,169]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.CarbonCoreActivat
or} -  User             : guoht, zh-CN, Asia/Shanghai
[2013-12-16 14:19:49,310]  WARN {org.wso2.carbon.core.bootup.validator.util.Vali
dationResultPrinter} -  The default keystore (wso2carbon.jks) is currently being
 used. To maximize security when deploying to a production environment, configur
e a new keystore with a unique password in the production server profile.
[2013-12-16 14:19:49,323]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.thrift.AgentHo
lder} -  Agent created !
[2013-12-16 14:19:49,375]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.databridge.agent.thrift.interna
l.AgentDS} -  Successfully deployed Agent Client
[2013-12-16 14:19:52,166]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.jdbc.EmbeddedRegi
stryService} -  Configured Registry in 56ms
[2013-12-16 14:19:52,262]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.registry.core.internal.Registry
CoreServiceComponent} -  Registry Mode    : READ-WRITE
[2013-12-16 14:19:53,409]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.user.core.internal.UserStoreMgt
DSComponent} -  Carbon UserStoreMgtDSComponent activated successfully.
[2013-12-16 14:20:01,317]  INFO {org.apache.catalina.startup.TaglibUriRule} -  T
LD skipped. URI: http://tiles.apache.org/tags-tiles is already defined
[2013-12-16 14:20:03,161]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.stratos.landing.page.deployer.L
andingPageWebappDeployer} -  Deployed product landing page webapp: StandardEngin
[2013-12-16 14:20:03,161]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.identity.user.store.configurati
on.deployer.UserStoreConfigurationDeployer} -  User Store Configuration Deployer
[2013-12-16 14:20:03,315]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.deployment.DeploymentInter
ceptor} -  Deploying Axis2 service: echo {super-tenant}
[2013-12-16 14:20:03,727]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.deployment.DeploymentInter
ceptor} -  Deploying Axis2 service: Version {super-tenant}
[2013-12-16 14:20:04,384]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.deployment.DeploymentInter
ceptor} -  Deploying Axis2 service: echo {super-tenant}
[2013-12-16 14:20:04,964]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.deployment.DeploymentInter
ceptor} -  Deploying Axis2 service: Version {super-tenant}
[2013-12-16 14:20:05,760]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.deployment.DeploymentInter
ceptor} -  Deploying Axis2 service: samples/RDBMSSample {super-tenant}
[2013-12-16 14:20:07,490]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.deployment.DeploymentInter
ceptor} -  Deploying Axis2 service: wso2carbon-sts {super-tenant}
[2013-12-16 14:20:08,642]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.init.CarbonServerManager}
-  Repository       : D:\project\wso2\test\mgt\bin\../repository/deployment/serv
[2013-12-16 14:20:08,691]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.internal.permission.update
.PermissionUpdater} -  Permission cache updated for tenant -1234
[2013-12-16 14:20:09,440]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.transports.http.HttpsTrans
portListener} -  HTTPS port       : 9444
[2013-12-16 14:20:09,440]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.transports.http.HttpTransp
ortListener} -  HTTP port        : 9764
[2013-12-16 14:20:09,450]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.clustering.hazelcast.Hazel
castClusteringAgent} -  Cluster domain: wso2.dss.domain
[2013-12-16 14:20:09,451]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.clustering.hazelcast.Hazel
castClusteringAgent} -  Using wka based membership management scheme
[2013-12-16 14:20:09,453]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.clustering.hazelcast.util.
MemberUtils} -  Added member: Host:, Remote Host:null, Port: 4000, HTTP
:-1, HTTPS:-1, Domain: null, Sub-domain:null, Active:true
[2013-12-16 14:20:11,809]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.clustering.hazelcast.Hazel
castClusteringAgent} -  Hazelcast initialized in 2353ms
[2013-12-16 14:20:11,908]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.clustering.hazelcast.Hazel
castClusteringAgent} -  Local member: [593d3a8b-6862-428d-b78e-f2dc31a767bf] - H
ost:, Remote Host:null, Port: 4250, HTTP:9764, HTTPS:9444, Domain: wso2
.dss.domain, Sub-domain:mgt, Active:true
[2013-12-16 14:20:11,920]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.clustering.hazelcast.util.
MemberUtils} -  Added member: Host:, Remote Host:null, Port: 4250, HTTP
:9764, HTTPS:9444, Domain: wso2.dss.domain, Sub-domain:mgt, Active:true
[2013-12-16 14:20:12,038]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.core.clustering.hazelcast.Hazel
castClusteringAgent} -  Cluster initialization completed
[2013-12-16 14:20:12,048]  INFO {org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioSelectorPool} -
Using a shared selector for servlet write/read
[2013-12-16 14:20:12,767]  INFO {org.apache.tomcat.util.net.NioSelectorPool} -
Using a shared selector for servlet write/read
[2013-12-16 14:20:12,910]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.ntask.core.service.impl.TaskSer
viceImpl} -  Task service starting in CLUSTERED mode...
[2013-12-16 14:20:12,930]  INFO {org.wso2.carbon.ntask.core.impl.clustered.Clust
erGroupCommunicator} -  Waiting for 2 task executor nodes...

Is it the problem about "group_mgt_port" setting in 
I set it 4000, is this port right?


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Isuru Perera
Senior Software Engineer | WSO2, Inc. | http://wso2.com/
Lean . Enterprise . Middleware

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