Hi Chanika,

Like you said i modified the query (but it worked just as well before)


  <query id="GetDeviceByID" useConfig="WSO2_HWDREPO_SERVICE">

      <sql>select * from device where device_id=:device_id and device_id in
(select assignment.device_id from assignment where

      <result element="BaseElement" rowName="Element">

         <element column="device_id" name="device_id" xsdType="integer"/>


         <element column="serial_number" name="serial_number"


      <param name="device_id" sqlType="INTEGER"/>

      <param name="emp_id" sqlType="STRING"/>



  <resource method="GET" path="user/{emp_id}/devices/{device_id}">

      <description>Get device details by providing id </description>

      <call-query href="GetDeviceByID">

         <with-param name="device_id" query-param="device_id"/>

         <with-param name="emp_id" query-param="emp_id"/>



but this configuration gives the same error that was before when
called in the browser

but resource path set to "user/devices/{emp_id}/{device_id}" and then

the problem seems to be in the url template in the resource path.
any idea why?
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