Hi Gihan,

Yes still you need to build the patch001, Not only patch 0001 you have to
build the all kernel patches first and then build the chunk-08 on top of
that maven repo.


On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 12:28 PM, Gihan Anuruddha <gi...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Patch0001 already released, right? Do I need  manually build the patch0001?
> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 12:15 PM, Manoj Kumara <ma...@wso2.com> wrote:
>> Hi Gihan,
>> I think you haven't build the kernel patches before building the
>> platform. You may have to build the kernel patches first. The above method
>> is available under patch0001 [1]
>> [1]
>> http://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/carbon/kernel/branches/4.2.0/patches/patch0001/core/org.wso2.carbon.core/src/main/java/org/wso2/carbon/core/clustering/hazelcast/HazelcastClusteringAgent.java
>> Thanks,
>> Manoj
>> *Manoj Kumara*
>> Software Engineer
>> WSO2 Inc. http://wso2.com/
>> *lean.enterprise.middleware*
>> Mobile: +94713448188
>> On Mon, Mar 3, 2014 at 11:56 AM, Gihan Anuruddha <gi...@wso2.com> wrote:
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Tenant Aware LoadBalance Endpoint ... FAILURE
>>> [5:04.646s]
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Identity Core ....................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - identity tree menu structure ........ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Identity Application Authentication Endpoint
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Tenant Identity Provider Management . SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - SAML Web Browser SSO ................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - OAuth ............................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Identity- Application Management Component ... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Identity Application Authentication Framework
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BasicAuth Identity Application Authenticator
>>> [INFO] org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authenticator.samlsso SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authenticator.oidc  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] org.wso2.carbon.identity.application.authenticator.openid SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - IWA Identity Application Authenticator  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Application Management UI ........... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - SAML Web Browser SSO UI ............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Identity Provider ................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Passive  STS ........................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Passive STS UI ...................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - SCIM - Common Component ............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - SCIM - UI Component ................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - User Profile Management UI .......... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Identity Management ................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Identity Management UI .............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Identity OAuth UI ................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Identity OAuth 2.0 Endpoints ........ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Tenant Identity Provider Management UI  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Identity Provider UI ................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Stratos - SAML2 SSO Management Component ..... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - SAML2-OpenID SSO Agent .............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Identity Provisioning ............... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra common components ......... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Server .................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Coordination Common ................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Coordination Core ................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Coordination Server ................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Component - Andes - Commons ......... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Component - Andes - Authentication Manager  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Component - Andes ................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Component - Andes - Authorization Manager  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon Component - MB Cluster Management - BE  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon Component  - MB Cluster Management - UI  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Component - Andes - core ............ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Component - Andes admin ............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Component - Andes UI ................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Tasks Core .......................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Services Common ................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Services Core .................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Services UI .................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge Commons ................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Search .................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM - datasource.utils .............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM - MessageStore .................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge Core .................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Event Stream Manager Core ........... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM - Notification Task ............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] org.wso2.carbon.bam.dashboard.ui .................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Data Access ............... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge Cassandra Persistence ... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Hive - Core APIs and Manager interfaces ...... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Cassandra Data Archive - BE ..... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge Thrift Receiver ......... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Management Server ......... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge Registry based Stream Defn Store
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge Cassandra Data Sink ..... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon Component  - Hive Explorer - UI ....... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra common components ......... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Server .................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Product releases - components - Aggregator Module
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon Automation - Parent core project ...... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon Automation - Test API ................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon Automation - Test Core ................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon Automation - Common Utils ............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon Automation - Jmeter Test Runner ....... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Releases - test-framework - Aggregator Module
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon Automation - Parent core project ...... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon Automation - Test Engine .............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon Automation - Test Extensions .......... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon Automation - Test API ................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon Automation - Test Utils ............... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Releases - test-framework 2 - Aggregator Module
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Security Management Core Feature .... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Key Store Management Feature ...................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Loadbalancer Endpoint Management Feature  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Core Server Feature ...................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Core UI Feature .......................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Core Feature ............................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Application Authentication Framework Server Feature  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] BasicAuth Application Authenticator Server Feature  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] SAML SSO Application Authenticator Server Feature . SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] OpenID Connect Application Authenticator Server Feature  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] OpenID Application Authenticator Server Feature ... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] IWA Application Authenticator Server Feature ...... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Provider Server Feature .................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Provider UI Feature ...................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Provider Feature ......................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity SAML Single Sign-on Server Feature ....... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity SAML2 Single Sign-on UI Feature .......... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] SAML 2.0 Web SSO Feature .......................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Mgt Server Feature ....................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Mgt UI Feature ........................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Account Recovery and Credential Management Feature  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity OAuth Common Feature ..................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity OAuth Server Feature ..................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity OAuth UI Feature ......................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] OAuth Feature ..................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Application Management Server Feature .... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Application Management UI Feature ........ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Application Managment Feature ............ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Stratos - Stratos SSO Management Server Feature  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Provider Management Server Feature ....... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Provider Management UI Feature ........... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Trusted Identity Provider Management Feature ...... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - SCIM - Common Feature ............... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - SCIM - UI Feature ................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] SCIM Feature ...................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity User Profiles UI Feature ................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] User Profiles Feature ............................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Passive STS server feature ........................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Passive STS UI Feature ............................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Passive STS feature ............................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Relying Party Server Feature ............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Relying Party Feature .................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Identity Provisioning Server Feature .............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] SAML2 based authenticator UI Feature .............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] SAML2 based Single Sign-On authenticator Feature .. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Feature - Andes - Server ............ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Feature - Andes - UI ................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Coordination Server Feature ......... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Server Feature ............ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Common Feature ............ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Tasks Core Feature .................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Tasks Feature ....................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Data Service Hosting Server Feature ............... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Data Service Hosting UI Feature ................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Data Service Hosting Feature ...................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Data Service Tasks Server Feature ................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Data Service Tasks Feature ........................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Commons Server Feature  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Thrift Agent Server Feature  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Data Publisher Aggregate Feature
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Search Server Feature ..... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Caramel Assembly Feature .......................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] Caramel Feature ................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM messagestore Server Feature ..... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Notification Task Server Feature  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Dashboard UI Feature ............ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Dashboard Feature ............... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Cassandra Data Archival Server Feature  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - BAM Cassandra Archive Feature ....... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Core Server Feature ... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Thrift Reciever Server Feature
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Data Receiver Aggregate Feature
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Cassandra Data Sink Server Feature
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - All Cassandra Features Aggregator
>>> Feature  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Data Bridge - Registry Defn Storage Server Feature
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Analytics Feature ................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Hive Explorer UI Feature ............ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Analytics UI Feature ................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Analytics Feature ................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Hive Analytics Feature .............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Common Feature ............ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Server Management Feature . SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Server Management UI Feature  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Server Feature ............ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Data Access Feature ....... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cassandra Feature ................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Patch releases - features - Aggregator Module
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Business Activity Monitor .................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Business Activity Monitor Styles Parent ...... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 BAM UI styles ................................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 BAM UI styles ................................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Stratos - Cloud BAM Login User Interface ..... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Stratos - Cloud BAM Dashboard User Interface . SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Business Activity Monitor Features Parent .... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 BAM - Features Aggregator Module ............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 BAM - Style Features ......................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 BAM - Style Features ......................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cloud BAM UI Feature ................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Cloud BAM Dashboard UI Feature ...... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 BAM - Features Aggregator Module ............. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Business Activity Monitor P2 Profile Generation  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 BAM Sample ................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 BAM Toolbox .................................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 BAM Migration ................................ SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] migration ......................................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Business Activity Monitor - Product .......... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 BAM Integration .............................. SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 BAM - Integration Test ....................... SKIPPED
>>> [INFO] WSO2 Carbon - Releases - products - Aggregator Module  SKIPPED
>>> [INFO]
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [INFO]
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [INFO] Total time: 39:48.482s
>>> [INFO] Finished at: Mon Mar 03 11:34:27 IST 2014
>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 151M/494M
>>> [INFO]
>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal
>>> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-compiler-plugin:2.3.2:compile
>>> (default-compile) on project org.wso2.carbon.lb.endpoint: Compilation
>>> failure
>>> [ERROR]
>>> /home/gihan/wso2/carbon/platform/4.2.0/components/load-balancer/lb-endpoint/org.wso2.carbon.lb.endpoint/4.2.1/src/main/java/org/wso2/carbon/lb/endpoint/group/mgt/GroupMgtAgentBuilder.java:[45,73]
>>> cannot find symbol
>>> [ERROR] symbol  : method getPrimaryHazelcastConfig()
>>> [ERROR] location: class
>>> org.wso2.carbon.core.clustering.hazelcast.HazelcastClusteringAgent
>>> [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
>>> [ERROR]
>>> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the
>>> -e switch.
>>> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
>>> [ERROR]
>>> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
>>> please read the following articles:
>>> [ERROR] [Help 1]
>>> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException
>>> [ERROR]
>>> [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the
>>> command
>>> [ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :org.wso2.carbon.lb.endpoint
>>> --
>>> W.G. Gihan Anuruddha
>>> Senior Software Engineer | WSO2, Inc.
>>> M: +94772272595
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Dev mailing list
>>> Dev@wso2.org
>>> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev
> --
> W.G. Gihan Anuruddha
> Senior Software Engineer | WSO2, Inc.
> M: +94772272595
> _______________________________________________
> Dev mailing list
> Dev@wso2.org
> http://wso2.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dev

*Software Engineer - WSO2 Inc.*
*email: shameera AT wso2.com <shame...@wso2.com> , shameera AT apache.org
*phone:  +9471 922 1454*

*Linked in : *http://lk.linkedin.com/pub/shameera-rathnayaka/1a/661/561
*Twitter     : *https://twitter.com/Shameera_R
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