WSO2 CEP team is pleased to announce the 3.1.0-ALPHA release. This release
is now available for download at
The documentation site for this release can be found at

WSO2 Complex Event Processor (CEP) can be used to identify the most
meaningful events within an event cloud, analyzes their impacts, and acts
on them in real time. Built to be extremely high performing it offers
significant time saving and affordable acquisition. WSO2 CEP Manager is
released under the Apache Software License

*Key Features*

   - Default XML, JSON, Text and Map mapping for CEP
   - Support HA by letting one CEP node to be actieve while the redundant
   CEP node will drop all notifications till the active node is processing
   - Enable CEP to receive events from Http Call (HTTP Adaptor)
   - Enable CEP to store realtime outputs to an RDBMs data source.
   - Enhance JMS output notifications with header properties so that they
   can be routed better
   - Siddhi event table cache
   - Need a way to print/ inspect current state of CEP Engine
   - Replacing WS-Eventing with soap input/output adapter
   - Kafka Input/Output Adaptor
   - Enable CEP to write its logs for debugging purposes


The only prerequisite required to try this release out is an installation
of JDK 1.6 (Sun/Oracle JDK 1.6.0_23 or higher recommended)

   - Download the WSO2 CEP 3.1.0-ALPHA release from
   - Extract the downloaded archive
   - Go to the 'bin' directory and execute (Unix/Linux) or
   wso2server.bat (Windows)
   - Point your web browser to http://localhost:9443/carbon to get started

*How to Run Samples?*

 Following steps explain in the documentation to get the samples up and

*Bug Fixes and New Features in this Release*

   - [CEP-433 <>] - Renew subscription
   page need "subscription mode" filed
   - [CEP-576 <>] - Not forwarding
   thrift events according to tenant ID
   - [CEP-608 <>] - Navigates to "Page
   not Found" when clicking on "
   - [CEP-624 <>] - String attribute
   not working as expected in Rest-API
   - [CEP-629 <>] -
   validateStreamDefinition() not working in Datapublisher - only checking the
   stream name not the stream id
   - [CEP-655 <>] - Event builder does
   not order properties as defined in configuration when using map mapping
   - [CEP-665 <>] - HTTP 500 error
   observed when login as tenant
   - [CEP-667 <>] - error message needs
   to be modified when editing event stream
   - [CEP-669 <>] - [intermitant] the
   execution plan throws a dead page and exception if we rename the stream and
   - [CEP-670 <>] - when creating an
   event formatter for a stream even if we set the advanced configurations
   upon saving null is shown on UI
   - [CEP-671 <>] - Error thrown when
   adding event builder / formatter with xml input mapping type for http
   input/ output adapters
   - [CEP-672 <>] - an error is thrown
   when we attempt to enable statistics for a stream
   - [CEP-673 <>] - null point
   exception is thrown when attempting to send email and jdbc output events
   for an http input event
   - [CEP-674 <>] -
   java.lang.NullPointerException: Tenant domain has not been set in
   CarbonContext Exceptions are thrown when attempting to test integration of
   CEP310 with ESB using BAM mediator
   - [CEP-675 <>] - a null pointer
   exception is thrown when starting a CEP node with ./
   -Ddisable.cassandra.server.startup=fals and clustering is enabled
   - [CEP-676 <>] - Can't add custom
   output mappings in event formatter
   - [CEP-681 <>] - when attempting to
   send a message from CEP via http input to MB via ws-event output adapter
   CEP thrown a Error while dispatching events java.lang.NullPointerException
   - [CEP-682 <>] - system does not
   seem to allow an event table to be used as an export stream
   - [CEP-687 <>] - "Caused by:
   java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory"
   error thrown when producing flight staus events
   - [CEP-689 <>] - Sample 0104 does
   not work
   - [CEP-693 <>] - database specified
   on datasource url is ignored
   - [CEP-697 <>] - better to update
   the cassandra-component.xml as hector-config.xml as after upgrade of
   Cassandra the system should refer to hector-config.xml
   - [CEP-701 <>] - Exceptions thrown
   when an event sent through MySql output event adaptor
   - [CEP-702 <>] - exception thrown
   with a dead page when a user with only login permission accesses the input
   /output adapter pages
   - [CEP-705 <>] - Event streams does
   not re-created until restart servers
   - [CEP-712 <>] - a null pointer is
   thrown when the input event builder is created for an http input adapter
   - [CEP-719 <>] - "Exception in
   thread "main" java.lang.NoSuchMethodError:" exception
   seen when executing "atm-transaction-stats" sample producer
   - [CEP-721 <>] - Support HA by
   letting one CEP node to be actieve while the redundant CEP node will drop
   all notifications till the active node is processing


   - [CEP-639 <>] - Caching ability for
   event tables
   - [CEP-715 <>] - EventBuilder
   creation popup after creating a stream


   - [CEP-536 <>] - Samples for Siddhi
   - [CEP-622 <>] - Custom Kafka Broker

We highly appreciate your feedback on this release. Please report any
issues at If you want to see a particular
feature changed or improved, drop us a mail at or

- WSO2 CEP Team -


*S. Suhothayan*
Associate Technical Lead,
 *WSO2 Inc. *
* <>*
lean . enterprise . middleware

*cell: (+94) 779 756 757 | blog:
<> | linked-in: <>*
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