Hi All,

I have notice that ESB documentation point out incorrect *synapse-config*folder.


Where does WSO2 ESB load its configuration from?

WSO2 ESB reads its mediation configuration from a set of XML files located
at *$ESB_HOME/repository/conf/synapse-config* directory. XML files are
written in the Synapse configuration language. Any changes done to the
configuration through the UI are saved back to the configuration files.
(Configuration is also written to the registry by default).

This red highlighted path is mention in several locations on documentation.
This path is valid

upto version 3.0.0. But after version 4.0 its moved to new location which
defined on axis2.xml

*NEW PATH: repository/deployment/server/synapse-configs *

It defined on $ESB_HOME/repository/conf/axis2.xml

 <!-- Synapse Configuration file location relative to CARBON_HOME -->

    <parameter name="SynapseConfig.ConfigurationFile"

Please be kind enough to discuss with ESB team and correct me, if i wrong..

Thank you,

*Dakshika Jayathilaka*
Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc.
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