
Observed considerable amount of delay when starting CEP 310 RC packs
on fresh DB with -Dsetup.

[2014-04-10 17:35:20,681]  INFO - {StartupFinalizerServiceComponent}
WSO2 Carbon started in 169 sec
[2014-04-10 17:35:21,328]  INFO - {CarbonUIServiceComponent}  Mgt
Console URL  :
^C[2014-04-10 17:36:30,835]  INFO - {CarbonServerManager}  Shutdown
hook triggered....

* Same behavior doesn't occur in default pack with h2 DB.
* DB was pointed to local machine.
* This behavior does not observed on alpha packs. (April 4 nightly build)

Following additional INFO logs prints on RC packs startup
[2014-04-10 17:33:21,384]  INFO - {app:js}  Emitting event : tenantLoad
[2014-04-10 17:33:21,395]  INFO - {app:js}  Emitting event : tenantCreate
[2014-04-10 17:33:25,541]  INFO - {initialSites:js}  UES Portal URL :
[2014-04-10 17:33:52,841]  INFO - {app:js}  stacked-bar-chart >>>>
Stacked Bar Chart
[2014-04-10 17:33:55,216]  INFO - {app:js}  horizontal-bar-chart >>>>
Horizontal Bar Chart
[2014-04-10 17:33:57,728]  INFO - {app:js}  pie-chart >>>> Pie Chart
[2014-04-10 17:34:01,039]  INFO - {app:js}  line-chart >>>> Line Chart
[2014-04-10 17:34:04,130]  INFO - {app:js}  wso2-dev >>>> WSO2 Dev
List Discussion
[2014-04-10 17:34:06,561]  INFO - {app:js}  wso2-jira >>>> WSO2 Jira
[2014-04-10 17:34:09,880]  INFO - {app:js}  wso2-carbon-commits >>>>
WSO2 Carbon Commits List Discussion
[2014-04-10 17:34:12,147]  INFO - {app:js}  wso2-carbon-dev >>>> WSO2
Carbon Div List Discussion
[2014-04-10 17:34:15,457]  INFO - {app:js}  bubble-chart >>>> Bubble Chart
[2014-04-10 17:34:18,010]  INFO - {app:js}  wso2-architecture >>>>
WSO2 Architecture List Discussion
[2014-04-10 17:34:20,975]  INFO - {app:js}  bar-chart >>>> Bar Chart
[2014-04-10 17:34:23,349]  INFO - {app:js}  stacked-line-chart >>>>
Stacked Line Chart
[2014-04-10 17:34:26,387]  INFO - {app:js}  line-plus-bar-chart >>>>
Line Plus Bar Chart

Full start-up log is attached with this mail.


Shashika Ubhayaratne
Associate Technical Lead - QA
WSO2 Inc: http://www.wso2.com/
Mobile: +94773383831

Attachment: detailedStartUpLog
Description: Binary data

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