Hey guys,

I think there might be a bug in the way IS 4.6.0 configures its
authentication URLs.

Here's the deal:

I am using a small sample SAML2 SSO app.  When I set up everything on my
own box (IS, App Server, & my own browser) everything works fine.  But,
when I have them on different nodes, then it stops working.  And the reason
it stops working is that when IS is in the midddle of the authentication
process, it redirects to a "localhost" URL, rathern than the correct
hostname.  The most obvious explanation for this is, localhost is hardcoded
somewhere in the product when it shouldn't be, and nobody's tested this
except when IS has been running on their own box.

In case your curious, here are all the details.

My page is at

When you click on the login link, the target is:

This redirects you to:

This redirects you to:

Note the localhost which has been inserted by the IS.


Jason Catlin
Dev mailing list

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