
I get the following error,

org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error
creating bean with name 'caEP': Cannot resolve reference to bean
'scepEndpointBean' while setting bean property 'serviceBeans' with key
[3]; nested exception is
org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error
creating bean with name 'scepEndpointBean' defined in URL
[jndi:/localhost/ca/WEB-INF/cxf-servlet.xml]: Instantiation of bean
failed; nested exception is java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:

I did some debugging from the osgi console. "org.bouncycastle.util"
package is exported by two bundles with versions 1.49 and 1.32. The
bundle with v 1.49 contain the "Store" class in
"org.bouncycastle.util" package, but the bundle with v 1.32 doesn't.
Does this error occur due to the webapp is trying to load the
incorrect bundle? How can I correct this issue?

Following is the output from osgi console.

osgi> p org.bouncycastle.util

version="1.49.0.wso2v1"<bcprov-jdk15on_1.49.0.wso2v1 [23]>

  bcpkix-jdk15on_1.49.0.wso2v1 [22] imports

  tomcat_7.0.52.wso2v3 [372] imports

org.bouncycastle.util; version="132.0.0"<wss4j_1.5.11.wso2v7-SNAPSHOT [380]>

  org.wso2.carbon.tomcat.patch_4.3.0.SNAPSHOT [327] imports

*Pulasthi Mahawithana*
Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc., http://wso2.com/
Mobile: +94-71-5179022
Blog: http://blog.pulasthi.org
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