Hi Isuru,

We are using  pluggable extensions in test automation framework to allow
user to plug additional extensions to the test execution flow.  We have
already  provided user management ( user population) as a pluggable
extension. We have to register those extensions in automation.xml under
*listenerExtensions* section in order to use those pluggable modules.

In your issue , seems you haven't  register that user populator extension
in your automation.xml file. You can register user management extension in
automation.xml as follows








After registering this pluggable module , test framework will populate all
the tenant users which you have mentioned in the automation.xml under
userManagement section and  you can use those tenant users for your tests.

Ex: TestUserMode.TENANT_ADMIN represents the admin user of the first tenant
of the tenant list we have populated. So y

On Sun, Jul 27, 2014 at 12:40 PM, Isuru Udana <isu...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Automation Team,
> I am trying to write a automation test for ESB in tenant mode.
> As per offline information I got from NuwanW, we only have to use the
> following
> init(TestUserMode.TENANT_ADMIN);

If we have populated the tenants correctly, we can prepare the test
environment for tenant user as above and proceed with our test without any
further change.

> instead of
> init();
> to run the test case in tenant mode.
> When I try that approach I saw that artifacts are getting deployed to the
> super tenant even if we initialize the tenant mode. Reason for that is
> Login method always logs into super tenant to deploy artifacts. So I did
> the following change in the LoginLogoutClient.
>      public String login() throws LoginAuthenticationExceptionException,
> IOException, XMLStreamException,
>              URISyntaxException, SAXException, XPathExpressionException {
> -        String userName;
> -        userName =
> automationContext.getContextTenant().getContextUser().getUserName();
> +
> +        // Get the tenant
> +        Tenant tenant = automationContext.getContextTenant();
> +
> +        String userName =
> +
>  tenant.getContextUser().getUserName().concat("@").concat(tenant.getDomain());
> +
>          return loginClient.login(userName,
> automationContext.getContextTenant().getContextUser().getPassword()
>                  ,
> automationContext.getInstance().getHosts().get("default"));
>      }
> After making that modification now I am getting the following error.
> "Invalid domain or unactivated tenant login"
> Then I tried to manually log into the management console using the tenant
> admin credentials defined in the automation.xml and it wasn't successful.
> What am I missing here ?
> Or else is this way of running tests in tenant mode is not tested and
> still under development ?
> Thanks.
> --
> *Isuru Udana*
> Senior
> * Software Engineer*
> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
> email: isu...@wso2.com cell: +94 77 3791887
> blog: http://mytecheye.blogspot.com/
> twitter: http://twitter.com/isudana

Malintha Adikari

*Malintha Adikari*
 Software Engineer
WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com

Mobile: +94 71 2312958
Blog:    http://malinthas.blogspot.com
Page:   http://about.me/malintha
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