Thank you Pushpalanka !
But there is another clarification needed.
What if a user needs to isolate two web apps ? Meaning, what if there
'cannot' be a super user sort of a logging (admin credentials) for two web
apps which is secured through a single IS ?


*Asok Aravinda Perera*
Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc.;

Mobile: +94722241032

On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 10:15 AM, Pushpalanka Jayawardhana <>

> Hi Asok,
> This comes with the behavior of SSO.
> When you register as a service provider in IS and point
> webapp to use IS as the identity provider, authentication
> process of webapp is totally handled by IS.
> Even the page you enter username/password is submitted by IS. Webapp does
> not have any idea on the valid user name and password of the user trying to
> login as all these details are captured and authenticated at IS side. IS
> then just let the webapp knows whether the user is authenticated or not.
> This helps to keep the user passwords in a secured centralized place than
> saving it in each webapp and helps to provide a better user experience by
> not asking users to type username/password several times(If you are logged
> into IS, you are automatically logged into as well.).
> Therefore any other user in IS also can login to webapp
> with his/her credentials.
> This article[1] will provide more insight.
> Hope this helps.
> [1] -
> Thanks,
> Pushpalanka.
> --
> Pushpalanka Jayawardhana, B.Sc.Eng.(Hons).
> Software Engineer, WSO2 Lanka (pvt) Ltd;
> Mobile: +94779716248
> Blog: | LinkedIn:
> | Twitter: @pushpalanka
> On Fri, Sep 12, 2014 at 9:54 AM, Asok Perera <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This is a question occurred to me while working on 'Configuring SAML2
>> SSO' sample in Identity server. (link below)
>> According to that sample, a user can log into service provider's
>> site/portal with Identity server's admin credentials. In this case, one can
>> use admin/admin username/password to log into
>> The question is, can I assume that IS admin is treated as a super user
>> who can log into all the service providers' web apps / services ?
>> If not, can somebody explain me why we can use admin credentials in the
>> above sample ?
>> BR
>> *Asok Aravinda Perera*
>> Software Engineer
>> WSO2, Inc.;
>> <>
>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>> Mobile: +94722241032
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