Hi All,

*I fixed the add new database function as follows: (Issue 1)*

1. add new database first time 'db001'
System will create database: 'db001_wso2_com', dbuser: 'db001_xxxxx'.

2. drop the database 'db001'
System will drop only the database; dbuser will be remain in the system

3. add new database with the same name 'db001'
System will get the number of users who has the name starting with 'db001';
this time ..it's 1. So system will create the new user as 'db0011_xxxxx'.
(appending 1 at the end of the database name)

like wise every time when we create the new database with the same name
(after dropping) it will append the number of users (name staring with
'db001') exist in the system, for the dbuser name.
Please note, storage server allows only 7 characters for database and
dbuser names. So I had to limit the character length of database and dbuser
to 5. Remaining 2 characters are for appending the number.

*Planning to fix the Issue 2 as follows*

When we create new database each time it creates a new template. My idea is
to keep one default template 'default@Development' with all the permission
and attach that to the each database.

- When user creates a new database, if the 'default@Development' template
exist; it will assign to the database, else system creates default template
'default@Development' and assign.
- If user want to give a different permission list, he/she has to create a
custom template and assign to the database

Please share your thoughts on this


On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 11:54 PM, Dmitry Sotnikov <dmi...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Thanks Amalka!
> You have reproduced the issue correctly.
> Here's what I think would work:
> * This default mode that automatically associates a user account should
> always do so. Product behavior needs to be consistent.
> As far as I understand, the current behavior happens because of the
> account name clash and we have some sort of code that tries to generate the
> account, gets the clash and then neither generates the account nor
> associates the existing one (what does it do with the password? just
> ignores the new password?)
> Quick and easy fix, if you do not have time for more changes:
> 1. Fix this particular handling code, and in the event of name clash, add
> a number to the name to make it unique - so behavior is consistent.
> Suggested other/better/longer-term possible changes to make the behavior
> more intuitive (comments from everyone are welcome):
> 2. If I am deleting a database and it is the only one using a user account
> and permission template, delete the account and template as well (probably
> have the corresponding checkboxes on the confirmation window).
> Are you sure you want to permanently delete database TestDB65765 in
> Development?
> [X] Also, delete user account TestDB65765 associated with this database
> and its permission template
> [Cancel] [Delete]
> 3. Create a set of DB permission templates (e.g. Admin, View-Only) and
> have them available for user accounts:
> 3.a. By default assign Admin,
> 3.b. Give in the corresponding advanced screens ability to create custom
> permission templates - this needs to be explicit choice though,
> 3.c. Admin and View-Only templates cannot be edited. When user tries to
> edit it, he/she is asked to provide a new custom name.
> What do you all think?
> Dmitry
> On Tue, Sep 30, 2014 at 9:38 AM, Amalka Subasinghe <ama...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Currently I'm working on the Jira [1]. Here we have two issues:
>> *Issue 1:*
>> 1. create a database name "db001" -> this will create database, dbuser
>> and template
>> 2. click on the database and see database configuration -> under the
>> 'attached user' section shows dbuser
>> 3. delete the database
>> 4. again create the database with the same name "db001"
>> 5. click on the database and see database configuration
>> Actual result :
>> a. No database user under 'attached user' section,
>> b. 'Attach new user' -> 'User name' drop down shows the user which
>> created previously.
>> c. 'Attach new user' -> 'Permission template drop down' section shows the
>> 2 templates with the same name 'db001@Development'
>> What should be the expected result here?
>> 1. Are we allowing user to create the database with the same name again?
>> if so shall we attached the already exist dbuser and the template to the
>> database?
>> 2. I think we need to stop creating second template with the same name
>> 'db001@Development'. right?
>> *Issue 2:*
>> In the Jira, it has asked to change the template names as "Admin" or
>> "Read-only" instead of 'db001@Development'.
>> Here, my concern is, when we create the database, template will be
>> automatically created with all the permission (So we can call it as 'Admin'
>> template), but if the user change the permissions later, then calling the
>> template as 'Admin' will not be matching. So, current template name is fine
>> for me. WDYT?
>> [1] https://wso2.org/jira/browse/APPFAC-2521
>> Thanks
>> Amalka
> --
> Dmitry Sotnikov
> VP of Cloud; WSO2, Inc.;  http://wso2.com/
> email: dmi...@wso2.com; cell: +1.949.303.9653; Skype: DSotnikov
> Lean . Enterprise . Middleware
> <http://wso2.com/events/>


Amalka Subasinghe

WSO2 Inc.
Mobile: +94 77 9401267
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