Hi Michael,

Puppet takes less time to get familiar to, so I think you will be able to
get around the language syntax quickly by following the resources Thilina
provided. Especially the VM based exercises will give you an idea on the
inner workings of Puppet.

Setting up WSO2 API Manager with Puppet is already handled, although in a
somewhat different context in WSO2 Private PaaS [1]. What Private PaaS
does, in brief, is to use Puppet to deploy applications, frameworks etc, to
newly spawned VM instances. There are certain prerequisites this workflow
needs, however the other details, especially regarding setting up folders,
configuration templates, and setting up different components of the APIM,
will help you in writing your module.

[1] -

Chamila de Alwis
Software Engineer | WSO2 | +94772207163
Blog: code.chamiladealwis.com

On Wed, Dec 10, 2014 at 8:09 AM, Thilina Piyasundara <thili...@wso2.com>

> Hi Michael,
> Please refer to those inline comments.
> On Tue, Dec 9, 2014 at 11:35 PM, Michael <mcnasty...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Good Morning,
>> I have a good amount of experience with WSO2 API Manager, Linux and some
>> experience with scripting. But I have zero experience with Puppet.
>> I am hoping to install WSO2 API Manager using Puppet as a working example
>> and then hand over the project to another chap.
>> What do you think would be the best way to approach this, keeping in mind
>> I have no experience with Puppet.
>> For example, you might suggest:
>> 1. Go do this online course here..
>> 2. Check out this site over here and read with Bob said...
>> 3. Here is a example here that another guy did... but make sure you do x,
>> y and z.
>> I have found these:
>> https://forge.puppetlabs.com/thilina
> ​I did this as a test round so it's not up-to-date. So don't use it.​
>> https://github.com/wso2/Puppet/tree/master/modules/apimanager/1.5.0/apimanager
>> ​ (Don't use this.)​
>> ​We have change the puppet github repository to this
> https://github.com/wso2/Puppet-Modules new repo.
> ​
>> But to be honest I'm not sure where to start - I definitely don't want to
>> spend 2 months doing courses just to get this started.
>> Any advice you can offer?
> ​
> Here are some resources to learn puppet. We use puppet opensource.
> Intro guide : https://docs.puppetlabs.com/learning/variables.html
> Try the test VM from puppet labs (download it and try it) :
> http://puppetlabs.com/download-learning-vm
> Go through the library and learn step by step :
> https://puppetlabs.com/learn/library
> This is a good *troubleshoot* guide I use: http://bitcube.co.uk/content/
> puppet-errors-explained
> ​
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> Thanks and regards,
> Thilina Piyasundara
> Systems Engineer
> ​
> ​
> M: 071-775-0006
> ​
> ​
> Blog: thilina.piyasundara.org
> Linkedin: linkedin.com/in/thilinapiyasundara
> WSO2, Inc.
> ​
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> lean . enterprise . middleware
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