Hello,I am currently trying to create an application that will help to output 
data in a specific format for a user to view on a website. The way I am 
thinking about doing this is by using WSO2 Payload Factory Mediator to modify 
the client request to be what the server database expects. Then I can modify 
the server's response to output in the form expected by the client. My database 
is JSON, not XML. I had a look at Sample 17 
(https://docs.wso2.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=33136018) on the WSO2 
website for ESB. However, that is an XML example. I was wondering if there was 
a similar example, but for JSON. Even if the method used does not utilise 
Payload Factory Mediator I would be open to using it. Thank you for your 
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