Why do you think that this is not the expected behavior?

On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 12:39 PM, Jeewantha Dharmaparakrama <
jeewan...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Guys,
> Its true that by design the tenant gets loaded in a carbon server at the
> first log in or at the first request. But in Dep Sync the artifact ( for
> example proxy service ) deployed on a tenant should be deployed seamlessly
> in all workers. If we expect to have all the tenants already loaded in all
> the workers, its wrong because.
> 1. Tenant is loaded at first login - we shouldn't log in to workers as Mgt
> console is disabled in workers.
> 1. Tenant is loaded at first request - First request doesn't get hit on a
> worker if the artifact is not deployed, and the artifact doesn't get
> deployed if the tenant is not loaded.
> This doesn't look like an expected behaviour.
> @Carbon team, let us know if we have a solution for this.
> Thanks,
> Jeewantha
> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 12:12 PM, Aruna Karunarathna <ar...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2015 at 12:06 PM, Maheeka Jayasuriya <mahe...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> When a tenant is created in the manager node, the synced content is not
>>> checked out into the worker node. Refer stack trace at [1]
>>> If once logged into the tenant from the management console of the worker
>>> node, everything is deployed successfully. Refer stack trace at [2]
>> Normally we disable the UI of worker node by -DworkerNode=true parameter.
>>> Is this the expected behaviour?
>>> [1]
>>> [2015-02-06 11:49:28,102]  INFO - HazelcastClusterMessageListener
>>> Received ClusteringMessage: SynchronizeRepositoryRequest{tenantId=1,
>>> tenantDomain='maheeka.com',
>>> messageId=659fa4c1-62f5-44ae-8c5f-ad9ee63b9d4b}
>>> [2015-02-06 11:49:28,104]  INFO - SynchronizeRepositoryRequest Received
>>> [SynchronizeRepositoryRequest{tenantId=1, tenantDomain='maheeka.com',
>>> messageId=659fa4c1-62f5-44ae-8c5f-ad9ee63b9d4b}]
>>> [2015-02-06 11:49:28,104]  INFO - SynchronizeRepositoryRequest Updating
>>> repo update required parameter
>>> [2]
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:26,740]  INFO - CarbonAuthenticationUtil '
>>> ad...@maheeka.com [1]' logged in at [2015-02-06 11:54:26,740+0530]
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:28,537]  INFO - DeploymentSynchronizer Doing initial
>>> sync up...
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:28,537]  INFO - DeploymentSynchronizer Checking out...
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:31,101]  INFO - DeploymentSynchronizer Committing...
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,135]  INFO - TenantAxisConfigurator Creating tenant
>>> AxisConfiguration for tenant: maheeka.com[1]
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,208]  INFO - UserStoreConfigurationDeployer User
>>> Store Configuration Deployer initiated.
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,353]  INFO - DeploymentInterceptor Deploying Axis2
>>> service: wso2carbon-sts {maheeka.com[1]}
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,492]  INFO - DeploymentEngine Deploying Web
>>> service: org.wso2.carbon.sts -
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,497]  INFO - DeploymentInterceptor Deploying Axis2
>>> service: wso2carbon-sts {maheeka.com[1]}
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,814]  INFO - PermissionUpdater Permission cache
>>> updated for tenant 1
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,814]  INFO - TenantServiceBusInitializer
>>> Intializing the ESB Configuration for the tenant domain : maheeka.com
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,839]  INFO - SynapseControllerFactory Using Synapse
>>> home : /Users/maheeka/ESB_WORK/ESBJAVA-3247/workera_new/repository/tenants/1
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,839]  INFO - SynapseControllerFactory Using
>>> synapse.xml location :
>>> /Users/maheeka/ESB_WORK/ESBJAVA-3247/workera_new/repository/tenants/1/synapse-configs/default
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,840]  INFO - SynapseControllerFactory Using server
>>> name : synapse.maheeka.com
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,840]  INFO - SynapseControllerFactory The timeout
>>> handler will run every : 15s
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,840]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Initializing
>>> Synapse at : Fri Feb 06 11:54:32 IST 2015
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,843]  INFO - CarbonSynapseController Loading the
>>> mediation configuration from the file system
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,844]  INFO - MultiXMLConfigurationBuilder Building
>>> synapse configuration from the synapse artifact repository at :
>>> /Users/maheeka/ESB_WORK/ESBJAVA-3247/workera_new/repository/tenants/1/synapse-configs/default
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,853]  INFO - SynapseConfigurationBuilder Loaded
>>> Synapse configuration from the artifact repository at :
>>> /Users/maheeka/ESB_WORK/ESBJAVA-3247/workera_new/repository/tenants/1/synapse-configs/default
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,854]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Loading
>>> mediator extensions...
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,855]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Deploying the
>>> Synapse service...
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,855]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Deploying Proxy
>>> services...
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,855]  INFO - Axis2SynapseController Deploying
>>> EventSources...
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,857]  INFO - ServerManager Server ready for
>>> processing...
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,872]  WARN - MediationStatisticsServiceComponent
>>> Couldn't find the mediation statistics store for tenant id: 1
>>> [2015-02-06 11:54:32,884]  INFO - TenantAxisUtils Loaded tenant
>>> maheeka.com in 6137 ms
>>> Thanks,
>>> Maheeka Jayasuriya
>>> Software Engineer
>>> Mobile : +94777750661
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>> --
>> *Aruna Sujith Karunarathna* | Software Engineer
>> WSO2, Inc | lean. enterprise. middleware.
>> #20, Palm Grove, Colombo 03, Sri Lanka
>> Mobile: +94 71 9040362 | Work: +94 112145345
>> Email: ar...@wso2.com | Web: www.wso2.com
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> --
> Jeewantha Dharmaparakrama
> Software Engineer; WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com/
> Phone : (+94) 778403757
> Blog: http://jeewanthad.blogspot.com/

Sameera Jayasoma,
Software Architect,

WSO2, Inc. (http://wso2.com)
email: same...@wso2.com
blog: http://blog.sameera.org
twitter: https://twitter.com/sameerajayasoma
flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sameera-jayasoma/collections
Mobile: 0094776364456

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