Hi Aliosha,

I reckon you can use an "Axis2 handler" to match request and response. In
that case you have to write an Handler class extending "AbstractHandler"
class. There by try to analyse the SOAP Message and retrieve the necessary
information that you want.

You can find[1] as an example.

I reckon it should work.


On Sat, Mar 7, 2015 at 1:55 PM, Malaka Silva <mal...@wso2.com> wrote:

> Hi Aliosha,
> There is no straight forward way to do this.
> You could generating a random number (using script mediator) and logging
> it in the inSequence and outSequence,
> However it will get mixed up when there are parallel requests. Meaning out
> sequence log may not come right after the insequence log. But it'll be
> there.
> On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 7:13 PM, Aliosha <aliosh...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi...I'm working on WSO2 ESB 4.8.1 By observing  the
>> ESB HOME/repository/logs/wso2carbon.log
>> i need to know the connection between one request and its relative
>> response going through my proxy services.
>> I tried following the MessageID property printed in the insequence and
>> the out sequence of my proxies, but i realize, even if i'm not so sure,
>> that this property is different from one to the other.
>> So what's the way i could know which are the requests all the responses
>> are connected with?
>> Regards
>> Alessio
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Chamin Nalinda
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