Hi Pubudu,

Maybe Enums are not supported in Axis2, maybe Sagara may know more about
this. As a quick workaround, avoid using Enums in the service and use
something else to represent that, either a string value or something


On Thu, Mar 12, 2015 at 5:36 PM, Pubudu Dodangoda <pubu...@wso2.com> wrote:

> I am trying to write a carbon component by referring link
> <http://wso2.com/library/tutorials/2014/03/how-to-write-a-wso2-carbon-component/>
> I can generate the correct WSDL file for a simple service
> But when the service class is kind of complex, I get the following issue,
> when trying to test the wsdl using SOAP UI
> *Source:*
> *Error:* type 'Enum@http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema' not found.
> I googled the issue and found this on stackoverflow
> <http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6017441/generate-wsdl-file-and-webservice-client-based-on-wsdl-file-in-maven>
> But I am unable to solve the issue
> What can I do to solve this?
> Note- I think the problem is when trying to convert complex
> objects(objects inside objects) into xml
> I have attached below the WSDL file here, in it, the "widgets" element is
> a complex object in the corresponding service class
> Thank You and Kind Regards
> --
> Pubudu Dodangoda
> BSc Engineering(Hon's) Undergraduate
> Department of Computer Science Engineering
> University of Moratuwa
> 0716053681 / 0775192994

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