Hi Mohan Sir,
I have done changes you have mention in the previous mail. Please check it.
I expecting any review from you.

Thank you
Nifras Ismail

*Best Regards.*

*M. Nifras Ismail*
[image: LinkedIn] <http://lk.linkedin.com/pub/nifras-ismail/54/343/94b>

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 10:25 PM, Mohanadarshan Vivekanandalingam <
mo...@wso2.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 6:40 PM, NIFRAS ISMAIL <nifrasism...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi,
> Hi Nifras,
>> Please review my proposal for GSoc 2015. Hope I do some mistakes :)
> You haven't provided necessary rights to comment in the gdoc hence
> providing the comments below,
> 1) Images are not visible in the proposal that you added in GSOC site,
> please check that
> 2) Provide references if you added any image which is not created by you
> 3) Some statements are not clear in introduction section
> 4) "What" things are explained clearly but "how" things are not mentioned.
> Please provide how the features that you suggested can be implemented (High
> level information is enough)  Have you done any background work on this ?
> Other things looks good for me.. All the best..
> Thanks,
> Mohan
>> Docs : here
>> <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1NMEecIuhtPo_6R1mZItaRN6ztMyhsjc5mwPEJ7zlyao/edit?usp=sharing>
>> GSoc : here
>> <https://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/proposal/review/student/google/gsoc2015/nifrasismail/5629499534213120>
>> *Best Regards.*
>> *M. Nifras Ismail*
>> [image: LinkedIn] <http://lk.linkedin.com/pub/nifras-ismail/54/343/94b>
> --
> *V. Mohanadarshan*
> *Software Engineer,*
> *Data Technologies Team,*
> *WSO2, Inc. http://wso2.com <http://wso2.com> *
> *lean.enterprise.middleware.*
> email: mo...@wso2.com
> phone:(+94) 771117673
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