I am working at evaluating WSO2 Identity Server and API Manager.

I am trying to connect the Identity Server with our VDS/LDAP server.  I have 
created the UserStoreManager configuration in the user-mgt.xml file and set the 
AdminUser to the same user name (not the full connectionName), but I am not 
able to authenticate with this user.  When I navigate to the local carbon 
instance, enter the username and password, I get an login failure message.  The 
UserStoreManager is a read-only connection to the VDS server.  I have also 
disabled the internal LDAP server.  If I enable the internal LDAP server and 
configure the connection to the internal VDS server with a secondary user 
store, I can log in with the standard "admin" user and the Travelocity.com 
example works with that user, but even if I add one of the VDS user to the 
Travelocity internal group, I cannot authenticate with SAML SSO example.

I am trying to do two things.

1.        Log into the Identity Server Management console with an internal LDAP 

2.       Authenticate with Travelocity SAML SSO example with an internal LDAP 
user, either as a secondary user store or when the internal LDAP server is the 
primary (and only) user store.

Thanks for your help on this issue

Michael Eyre

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