
While migrating G-Reg 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT UI to ES 2.0.1-SNAPSHOT, I faced the
following issues:

1. When we add a new custom RXT to G-Reg, the integrated Publisher should
also show it (without creating any ES asset extension).
While testing this scenario for M4 (to be released) pack, the new
RXT(application.rxt) is shown in the list down menu. Yet when I click the
'Add' button to add a new entry, following error occured

HTTP Status 500 - org.mozilla.javascript.WrappedException: Wrapped
org.mozilla.javascript.EcmaError: TypeError: Cannot set property "value" of
undefined to "org.mozilla.javascript.NativeJavaObject@4d817183" (eval
code#1(eval)#266) (/publisher/controllers/assets-router.jag#75)
What could be the issue for this? We should be able to support this without
creating any custom asset extension.
In the G-Reg 5.0.0 M3 pack, we did not occur any such error, and we could
deploy a new RXT and add entries without problem.

2. RXT hot deployment is not happening in Publisher.
When we add a new RXT, from G-Reg admin console, and go to Publisher , it
is not added in Publisher front.
We need to restart the server inorder to view it. This might be a problem
in production environments if we have to restart the server.


Denuwanthi De Silva
Software Engineer;
WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com,
Email: denuwan...@wso2.com
Blog: https://denuwanthi.wordpress.com/
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