WSO2 API Manager 1.9.0 Beta Released!

WSO2 API Manager team is pleased to announce the Beta release of WSO2 API
Manager 1.9.0.
This release includes following features,improvements and bug fixes.

   - [APIMANAGER-3081 <>] -
   Issue in the 'body' parameters of the 'Value' field in the API Store
   - [APIMANAGER-3123 <>] -
   Samples: Deploying and testing Youtube API and Wikipedia API
   - [APIMANAGER-3146 <>] -
   Issue in the Thumbnail Image Dimension validation
   - [APIMANAGER-3261 <>] -
   Wrong Auth type set in Spanish UI
   - [APIMANAGER-3262 <>] -
   Popup error message doesn't showing up when uploading (non image) different
   file format to thumbnail
   - [APIMANAGER-3270 <>] -
   Make the OAuthAuthenticator extensible
   - [APIMANAGER-3289 <>] -
   Issues when using Publisher REST API to Publish API
   - [APIMANAGER-3298 <>] -
   Tokens created with client_credentials do not take the proper validity
   - [APIMANAGER-3304 <>] -
   Gateway sets Host header to hostname:80 for default http port which breaks
   some popular APIs
   - [APIMANAGER-3306 <>] -
   Backend URL Test button displays "Invalid" for URLs that user considers
   - [APIMANAGER-3325 <>] -
   Error showing information month billing Calculation. Billing month
   calculated by hive script is wrong
   - [APIMANAGER-3337 <>] -
   Cannot encrypt the passwords in configuration files using ciphertool
   - [APIMANAGER-3338 <>] -
   WikipediaAPI sample throws ResourceNotFoundException
   - [APIMANAGER-3342 <>] -
   [Publisher API] Re-publish to gateway doesn't work
   - [APIMANAGER-3343 <>] - Add
   following synapse property to api manager file to handle
   tenant aware logging issues
   - [APIMANAGER-3352 <>] -
   Fail to issue an access token with scope openId
   - [APIMANAGER-3353 <>] - Add
   test case for API scopes test.
   - [APIMANAGER-3361 <>] -
   APIs can invoke 15 minutes after we unsubscribe APIs due to cache issue.
   - [APIMANAGER-3379 <>] - API
   publisher manage step doesnt show environment details and business
   - [APIMANAGER-3387 <>] -
   When replying for a forum topic soon after added a reply text disappearing
   - [APIMANAGER-3389 <>] - API
   Store Stats not showing No Data Available message
   - [APIMANAGER-3413 <>] -
   Please make HTTP transport unchecked by default - in API Publisher - Manage
   - [APIMANAGER-3425 <>] -
   Make error messages more descriptive.
   - [APIMANAGER-3432 <>] -
   [MSSQL] Collation defined only for one AM_DB table and that fails token
   - [APIMANAGER-3454 <>] -
   Include kernel patch0010 into the product
   - [APIMANAGER-3461 <>] -
   Token endpoint doesn't return propert scopes when Token Encyprption is
   - [APIMANAGER-3462 <>] -
   tokens gets regenerated to default scope if same scopes are not selected.
   - [APIMANAGER-3469 <>] -
   Deploy sample API Button is not available for user who has only publisher
   - [APIMANAGER-3470 <>] -
   'Deploy sample API' button is available for users with only creator and
   login permission.
   - [APIMANAGER-3471 <>] -
   Unable to save and deploy prototyped APIs given an endpoint.
   - [APIMANAGER-3472 <>] -
   Useless 'scope' label can be seen in keys section of API store > My
   subscriptions page.
   - [APIMANAGER-3473 <>] - UI
   issue In API store > My Application page
   - [APIMANAGER-3474 <>] - API
   delete doesn't remove Synapse API
   - [APIMANAGER-3475 <>] -
   Cannot remove added resources
   - [APIMANAGER-3476 <>] - API
   documentation summary doesn't get updated.
   - [APIMANAGER-3477 <>] -
   When viewing document content of weatherAPI 2.0.0 right after it is edited
   an exception can be seen.
   - [APIMANAGER-3478 <>] - API
   docs given source type as 'File', cannot be successfully downloaded from
   API store.
   - [APIMANAGER-3479 <>] -
   Documentation update feature doesn't work for update file types and source.
   - [APIMANAGER-3485 <>] -
   Unable to publish new API versions through edit view.
   - [APIMANAGER-3486 <>] -
   When user clicks on newly created and published version of the sample API
   exception occurred.
   - [APIMANAGER-3489 <>] - API
   store applications doesn't save the changes make by editing.
   - [APIMANAGER-3490 <>] - In
   API store creator's name link on each API listed under 'Recently added' is
   not working.
   - [APIMANAGER-3491 <>] -
   Wrong API URL prefix is shown in the API store.
   - [APIMANAGER-3492 <>] - No.
   of subscriptions keep increasing when subscribing to the same API by the
   user using Store APIs
   - [APIMANAGER-3495 <>] -
   Cannot create API given tags with special characters.
   - [APIMANAGER-3496 <>] -
   Error 500 status code can be seen when user saving a new version of an API
   having tags with special characters.
   - [APIMANAGER-3497 <>] -
   unable to edit the APIs after doing the migration 1.6 to 1.7
   - [APIMANAGER-3500 <>] -
   Billing sample throws NPE when billing-conf.xml doesn't have entries for
   the relevant API
   - [APIMANAGER-3501 <>] -
   Error while login to the API store using mysql
   - [APIMANAGER-3503 <>] -
   OAuth2 JWT Header contains alg: "SHA256withRSA", expect alg: "RS256"
   - [APIMANAGER-3509 <>] -
   Cannot invoke an API through UI where URL pattern has Upper case letters
   - [APIMANAGER-3511 <>] -
   Point the documentations to the latest 1.9.0 documentation. Currently its
   being pointed to 1.7.0 and 1.8.0
   - [APIMANAGER-3516 <>] -
   Tenant owner cannot delete a forum topic created by her/him self
   - [APIMANAGER-3518 <>] - API
   manager publisher profile throws a java.lang.ClassNotFoundException
   - [APIMANAGER-3519 <>] - API
   Console is not loading when an API is created with HTTPs transport only
   - [APIMANAGER-3520 <>] -
   WSDL endpoint feture is unavailable on endpoint type
   - [APIMANAGER-3526 <>] -
   [Samples: NTLMGrantClient ] Although the sample readme indicates a jna
   subdirectory, its not there in the pack
   - [APIMANAGER-3532 <>] -
   "AUTO_SERVER=TRUE" should be added on datasource URL to publish API runtime
   statistics on H2
   - [APIMANAGER-3533 <>] -
   When new API version created, API Definition from previous version is
   missing .
   - [APIMANAGER-3534 <>] -
   When new API version created, New URL Pattern (resources) cannot be add
   - [APIMANAGER-3537 <>] -
   Can't update the Auth type using publisher API
   - [APIMANAGER-3538 <>] -
   Need to fix the warning given in API Edit mode
   - [APIMANAGER-3540 <>] -
   WSDL Test URI button is not working
   - [APIMANAGER-3542 <>] - In
   the cluster set up when user creates an APP for the first time
   "" occurs.
   - [APIMANAGER-3545 <>] -
   org.apache.catalina.LifecycleException is thrown when shutting down the
   server when pointed to MySQL
   - [APIMANAGER-3546 <>] -
   Cannot reupload the same document file
   - [APIMANAGER-3547 <>] - A
   syntax error thrown when logout :enabling Single Sign On in API Manager
   - [APIMANAGER-3548 <>] - Add
   migration scripts for 1.8.0 to 1.9.0 migration
   - [APIMANAGER-3551 <>] -
   Swagger file import button isn't working
   - [APIMANAGER-3552 <>] -
   Only 37 tables are created in AM DB (MySQL script) when you run IS with
   -Dsetup first when configured as IS as Key Manager
   - [APIMANAGER-3554 <>] -
   When subscribing to an api right after starting store node
   "" occurs.
   - [APIMANAGER-3555 <>] -
   Tenants cannot create applications when IS is configured as Key Manager
   - [APIMANAGER-3558 <>] - API
   Version is wrong in API Console for a copied API in Store
   - [APIMANAGER-3570 <>] -
   There is no way to invoke HTTP endpoint via API Console.
   - [APIMANAGER-3574 <>] - API
   Store breaks when listing Prototyped APIs


   - [APIMANAGER-2910 <>] -
   helpful troubleshooting message?
   - [APIMANAGER-3292 <>] -
   Publisher "Edit Swagger Definition" : Add grammar check
   - [APIMANAGER-3293 <>] -
   Publisher "Edit Swagger Definition" : Resizable popup
   - [APIMANAGER-3311 <>] -
   There is no API to retrieve an API Document by File
   - [APIMANAGER-3319 <>] -
   There is no API to retrieve the endpoints of an API Store Item
   - [APIMANAGER-3514 <>] -
   Provide adequate information in exceptions throwing in key manager
   - [APIMANAGER-3522 <>] - Add
   link to store after publishing an API

New Feature

   - [APIMANAGER-3487 <>] - API
   Migration Client to migrate APIM 1.8.0 to 1.9.0


   - [APIMANAGER-3088 <>] -
   Fixing stats error page when no stats in database.

Security Vulnerability

   - [APIMANAGER-3442 <>] - XSS
   vulnerability in the API Manager
   - [APIMANAGER-3443 <>] -
   Reflected XSS vulnerability in the API Manager


   - [APIMANAGER-3481 <>] - How
   to set default validity period of application access token by changing


   - [APIMANAGER-3531 <>] -
   Deprecating WSDL Endpoints


   - [APIMANAGER-3287 <>] -
   Change validateKey operation in APIKeyValidationService to validate token
   obtained from an external AS
   - [APIMANAGER-3331 <>] -
   Create a custom Grant Handler to generate Application Access Tokens
   - [APIMANAGER-3480 <>] -
   Call Authorization Server from API Store through an extensible interface

Your feedback are most welcome !!! Please report all the Jiras at [6] and
specify the affected version as 1.9.0 Beta

[3] AM Store : https://{host}:{9763}/store
[4] AM Publisher : https://{host}:{9763}/publisher
[5] AM Roadmap :

API Manager Team.

Lakmali Baminiwatta
 Senior Software Engineer
WSO2, Inc.:
mobile:  +94 71 2335936
blog :
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