WSO2 App Manager 1.0.0 RC1 Released!

WSO2 App Manager team is pleased to announce the RC1 of WSO2 App Manager
1.0.0.The distribution is available at [1] and the documentation can be
found in [2].
This release includes following features.

Key Features in WSO2 App Manager 1.0.0
Multitenancy support
Application Discovery Support
XACML Policy support
Annonymous mode web app accessing capability
Capability to sort apps in store by usage
Returning SAML response to backend
Multi-tenancy support
Enterprise subscription support in store
Workflow extensions support
Integrating with Google Analytics
Publishing App Manager Runtime Statistics
Capability to obtaining an OAuth2 token by providing SAML token
Wep-apps rating support for store users
Capability to associate tags to web-apps
Resource level throttling for web-apps
Visibility control for Web apps
Capability to associate comprehensive documentation to a web app
URL pattern based authorisation
Integrate SAML2 OAuth2 Bearer Token exchange Known Issues

All the open issues pertaining to WSO2 App Manager are reported at the
following location:

   -  Known Issues

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 Reporting Issues

We encourage you to report issues, documentation faults and feature
requests regarding WSO2 App Manager through the public App Manager JIRA
<>. You can use the Carbon JIRA
<> to report any issues related to
the Carbon base framework or associated Carbon components.


*-- The WSO2 App Manager Team --*

Dinusha Dilrukshi
Associate Technical Lead
WSO2 Inc.:
Mobile: +94725255071
Dev mailing list

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