Hi Ellimatha,

AFAIK, ESB team has developed connector test framework using our test
framework. I don't know much about the new connector test framework. May be
you can get help from ESB team on updating dependencies.


On Thu, Jun 4, 2015 at 2:10 PM, Elilmatha Sivanesan <elilma...@wso2.com>

> Hi all,
> Still this error is there for getting the  dependencies.
> Thank you.
> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 5:27 PM, Saneth Dharmakeerthi <sane...@wso2.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Elilmatha,
>> There is no 4.4.1 version for org.wso2.carbon.automation.
>> Please update the test integration dependencies as bellow.
>> <carbon.automation.version>4.3.1</carbon.automation.version>
>> <carbon.automationutils.version>4.3.0</carbon.automationutils.versio>
>> Thanks and Best Regards,
>> Saneth Dharmakeerthi
>> Senior Software Engineer
>> WSO2, Inc.
>> Mobile: +94772325511
>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 3:43 PM, Elilmatha Sivanesan <elilma...@wso2.com>
>> wrote:
>>> adding integration team.
>>> On Wed, Jun 3, 2015 at 12:49 PM, Elilmatha Sivanesan <elilma...@wso2.com
>>> > wrote:
>>>> I need to run the integration test for the connector , the same
>>>> integration test works fine with esb-4.8.1 But not with $subject. I got the
>>>> following error
>>>>  [2015-06-03 11:18:36,867] FATAL - CarbonServerManager WSO2 Carbon
>>>> initialization Failed
>>>> [2015-06-03 11:18:36,869]  INFO
>>>> {org.wso2.carbon.automation.core.utils.coreutils.InputStreamHandler} -
>>>> java.lang.ClassFormatError: Illegal local variable table start_pc 48 in
>>>> method
>>>> org.apache.synapse.transport.passthru.PassThroughHttpSender.invoke(Lorg/apache/axis2/context/MessageContext;)Lorg/apache/axis2/engine/Handler$InvocationResponse;
>>>> So i changed the the carbon platform version to 4.4.1. But now also I
>>>> get the following error
>>>> esb:org.wso2.carbon.connector elilmatha$ mvn clean install
>>>> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
>>>> [WARNING]
>>>> [WARNING] Some problems were encountered while building the effective
>>>> model for
>>>> org.wso2.carbon.connector:org.wso2.carbon.connector.proworkflow:jar:1.0.0
>>>> [WARNING] 'artifactId' contains an expression but should be a constant.
>>>> @ 
>>>> org.wso2.carbon.connector:org.wso2.carbon.connector.${connector.name}:${connector.version},
>>>> /Users/elilmatha/Desktop/allReviewedConnectors/proworkflow/proworkflow-connector/proworkflow-connector-1.0.0/org.wso2.carbon.connector/pom.xml,
>>>> line 29, column 16
>>>> [WARNING] 'version' contains an expression but should be a constant. @
>>>> org.wso2.carbon.connector:org.wso2.carbon.connector.${connector.name}:${connector.version},
>>>> /Users/elilmatha/Desktop/allReviewedConnectors/proworkflow/proworkflow-connector/proworkflow-connector-1.0.0/org.wso2.carbon.connector/pom.xml,
>>>> line 30, column 13
>>>> [WARNING] 'build.plugins.plugin.(groupId:artifactId)' must be unique
>>>> but found duplicate declaration of plugin
>>>> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-dependency-plugin @
>>>> org.wso2.carbon.connector:org.wso2.carbon.connector.${connector.name}:${connector.version},
>>>> /Users/elilmatha/Desktop/allReviewedConnectors/proworkflow/proworkflow-connector/proworkflow-connector-1.0.0/org.wso2.carbon.connector/pom.xml,
>>>> line 162, column 18
>>>> [WARNING]
>>>> [WARNING] It is highly recommended to fix these problems because they
>>>> threaten the stability of your build.
>>>> [WARNING]
>>>> [WARNING] For this reason, future Maven versions might no longer
>>>> support building such malformed projects.
>>>> [WARNING]
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO] Building WSO2 Carbon - Mediation Library Connector For
>>>> proworkflow 1.0.0
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for org.apache.bsf:bsf-all:jar:3.0 is invalid,
>>>> transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug
>>>> logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.wso2.carbon:org.wso2.carbon.mediation.library.stub:jar:4.4.1 is
>>>> missing, no dependency information available
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.http.servlet:jar:1.0.200.v20090520-1800
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.osgi:org.eclipse.osgi.services:jar:3.2.0.v20090520-1800 is
>>>> invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.util:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1800 is
>>>> invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.ds:jar:1.1.0.v20090520-1800 is
>>>> invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.jsp.jasper:jar:1.0.200.v20090520-1800
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:javax.servlet.jsp:jar:2.0.0.v200806031607 is invalid,
>>>> transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug
>>>> logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.apache.jasper:jar:5.5.17.v200806031609 is invalid,
>>>> transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug
>>>> logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.apache.commons.el:jar:1.0.0.v200806031608 is
>>>> invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.app:jar:1.2.0.v20090520-1800 is
>>>> invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.concurrent:jar:1.0.0.v20090520-1800
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.frameworkadmin:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.frameworkadmin.equinox:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.artifact.repository:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.core:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.director.app:jar:1.0.100.v20090521-1912
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.directorywatcher:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.engine:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.exemplarysetup:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.extensionlocation:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.garbagecollector:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.jarprocessor:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.generator:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.repository:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.reconciler.dropins:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.publisher:jar:1.0.0.v20090521-1912
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository.tools:jar:1.0.0.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.repository:jar:1.0.0.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.touchpoint.natives:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.updatechecker:jar:1.1.0.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.preferences:jar:3.2.300.v20090520-1800
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.security:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1800
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.simpleconfigurator.manipulator:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.equinox:org.eclipse.equinox.p2.updatesite:jar:1.0.100.v20090520-1905
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.core:org.eclipse.core.commands:jar:3.5.0.I20090429-1800 is
>>>> invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.core:org.eclipse.core.contenttype:jar:3.4.0.v20090429-1800 is
>>>> invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.core:org.eclipse.core.expressions:jar:3.4.100.v20090429-1800 is
>>>> invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for 
>>>> org.eclipse.core:org.eclipse.core.net:jar:1.2.0.I20090522-1010
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.core:org.eclipse.core.runtime.compatibility.auth:jar:3.2.100.v20090413
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.ecf:org.eclipse.ecf:jar:3.0.0.v20090520-0800 is invalid,
>>>> transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug
>>>> logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.ecf:org.eclipse.ecf.filetransfer:jar:3.0.0.v20090520-0800 is
>>>> invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.ecf:org.eclipse.ecf.identity:jar:3.0.0.v20090520-0800 is
>>>> invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.eclipse.ecf:org.eclipse.ecf.provider.filetransfer:jar:3.0.0.v20090520-0800
>>>> is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for org.eclipse:org.sat4j.core:jar:2.1.0.v20090520 is
>>>> invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for org.eclipse:org.sat4j.pb:jar:2.1.0.v20090520 is
>>>> invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for org.eclipse:com.ibm.icu:jar:4.0.1.v20090415 is
>>>> invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable
>>>> debug logging for more details
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.wso2.carbon.automation:org.wso2.carbon.automation.api:jar:4.4.1 is
>>>> missing, no dependency information available
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.wso2.carbon.automation:org.wso2.carbon.automation.core:jar:4.4.1 is
>>>> missing, no dependency information available
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for
>>>> org.wso2.carbon.automation:org.wso2.carbon.automation.utils:jar:4.4.1 is
>>>> missing, no dependency information available
>>>> [WARNING] The POM for org.wso2.carbon:SecVerifier:aar:4.4.1 is missing,
>>>> no dependency information available
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [INFO] Total time: 3.605s
>>>> [INFO] Finished at: Wed Jun 03 12:51:55 IST 2015
>>>> [INFO] Final Memory: 29M/360M
>>>> [INFO]
>>>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project
>>>> org.wso2.carbon.connector.proworkflow: Could not resolve dependencies for
>>>> project
>>>> org.wso2.carbon.connector:org.wso2.carbon.connector.proworkflow:jar:1.0.0:
>>>> The following artifacts could not be resolved:
>>>> org.wso2.carbon:org.wso2.carbon.mediation.library.stub:jar:4.4.1,
>>>> org.wso2.carbon.automation:org.wso2.carbon.automation.api:jar:4.4.1,
>>>> org.wso2.carbon.automation:org.wso2.carbon.automation.core:jar:4.4.1,
>>>> org.wso2.carbon.automation:org.wso2.carbon.automation.utils:jar:4.4.1,
>>>> org.wso2.carbon:SecVerifier:aar:4.4.1: Failure to find
>>>> org.wso2.carbon:org.wso2.carbon.mediation.library.stub:jar:4.4.1 in
>>>> http://maven.wso2.org/nexus/content/groups/wso2-public/ was cached in
>>>> the local repository, resolution will not be reattempted until the update
>>>> interval of wso2-nexus has elapsed or updates are forced -> [Help 1]
>>>> [ERROR]
>>>> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with
>>>> the -e switch.
>>>> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
>>>> [ERROR]
>>>> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions,
>>>> please read the following articles:
>>>> [ERROR] [Help 1]
>>>> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/DependencyResolutionException
>>>> esb:org.wso2.carbon.connector elilmatha$
>>>> Can any one suggest me with the proper versions to be changed in the
>>>> pom [1]
>>>> --
>>>> *S.Elilmatha*
>>>> Associate  Software Engineer,
>>>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>>> Mobile 0779842221.
>>>> [1]
>>> --
>>> *S.Elilmatha*
>>> Associate  Software Engineer,
>>> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
>>> lean.enterprise.middleware
>>> Mobile 0779842221.
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>>> Dev mailing list
>>> Dev@wso2.org
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> --
> *S.Elilmatha*
> Associate  Software Engineer,
> WSO2 Inc.; http://wso2.com
> lean.enterprise.middleware
> Mobile 0779842221.

Krishantha Samaraweera
Senior Technical Lead - Test Automation
Mobile: +94 77 7759918
WSO2, Inc.; http://wso2.com/
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