Hi Yasassri,

There are some tests fails and we are currently fixing those. (There were
few some commented tests and we uncomment it last week.)

However tests-mediator-1 and tests-mediator-2 is passing all the tests in
our ec2 instance.

What is the environment and jdk you are running the tests?

What are the failing test cases?


On Sun, Jul 12, 2015 at 4:53 PM, Yasassri Ratnayake <yasas...@wso2.com>

> Hi All,
> Before running the integration tests on the cluster I tried to run some of
> the test modules locally. I ran following two scenarios.
> 1. Executed the integration tests after building the pack.
> 2. Executed the integration tests by pointing to an already started ESB
> server with an offset.
> For the above scenarios I executed tests-mediator-1 and tests-mediator-2
> modules located at [1]
> In the second scenario I commented out the "CarbonServerExtension" and
> "Axis2ServerExtension" from the automation.xml and I started an Axis2
> Server locally by deploying the sample web-services available.
> After running the above scenarios following results were obtained.
> (Summary)
> *Scenario 01 (Running tests after building the pack) *
> *tests-mediator-1*
> StatusMethods
> PassedScenarios
> Passed# skipped# failedNo of Tests38238206
> *tests-mediator-2*
> StatusMethods
> PassedScenarios
> Passed# skipped# failedNo of Tests18518516
> *Scenario 02 (Running tests by pointing to a remote server)*
> *tests-mediator-1*
> StatusMethods
> PassedScenarios
> Passed# skipped# failedNo of Tests16216216066
> *tests-mediator-2*
> The test didn't complete and surefire reports were not generated.
> By looking at the above results it's clear that some of the test cases are
> not intended to executed in a remote manner or in a clustered environment.
> (Please note that I didn't analyze the results in-depth).
> @Automation Team:  Is there something I'm doing wrong here? Can I improve
> the above results and run it on the cluster? And if I'm running this on an
> ESB cluster how should I configure the back-end Axis2 Server? Do I need to
> start an Axis2 Server on each worker node?
> @ESB Team : Some test cases are failing in the 1st scenario, these need to
> be investigated and fixed.
> [1] -
> https://github.com/wso2/product-esb/tree/master/modules/integration/tests-integration
> With Regards,
> --
> Yasassri Ratnayake
> Software Engineer - QA
> WSO2 Inc ; http://wso2.com
> lean.enterprise.middleware
> *Mobile : +94715933168 <%2B94715933168>*
> *Blogs : http://yasassriratnayake.blogspot.com
> <http://yasassriratnayake.blogspot.com/>*
> *            http://wso2logs.blogspot.com <http://wso2logs.blogspot.com>*


Best Regards,

Malaka Silva
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