Time window is to buffer events and expire based on some condition
(time/length/etc), its not for creating new attributes by default. here the
expired events are generated to inform the other processes the event have
expired and hence they can do adjust their calculations based on that. If
you dont have a avg() kind of aggregate functions on select then you dont
need to send expired events.

For you predictions how many inputs you have (input attributes used for
production) and how many outputs will be generated (is it only one co
efficient value)?
If you are generating one value then you have to extend an Output
aggregator. e.g.[1]



On Sat, Aug 8, 2015 at 5:14 PM, Pranavan Theivendiram <
pranavan...@cse.mrt.ac.lk> wrote:

> Hi All,
> I am working on writing a custom TimeWindowProcessor (SlidingWindow) to
> handle the curvefitting prediction. I followed the this implementation [1]
> and referred this documentation[2]. In my case, I need to get the events
> received during the 10 mins and use it for the calculation of the curve
> fitting and set the co efficient of curve fitting as a event. I am finding
> it hard to understand how the input events will reach the window processors
> and how the output events are passed throughout and what is the purpose of
> the processevent method. Processevent method is called in the run method on
> the expired events in the TimeWindowProcessor class. But that is not the
> case I wanted.  I want to simply remove the expired events, but rather
> calculate the curve coefficients on active events and to send the
> coefficient as output events. I am bit confused in flow and out flow to the
> TimeWindowProcessor class.
> If anyone can directly point out the input events in the
> TimeWindowProcessor class that would be a great help for me.I really expect
> a help in the form of the tutorial or some explanations on this or pointing
> out some custom TimeWindowProcessor class.
> Note : I already have written evenformatters and executionplans. This is
> the point I got stucked. I really can`t find a good explanation about the
> TimeWindowProcessor class.
> [1]
> https://svn.wso2.org/repos/wso2/carbon/platform/branches/turing/dependencies/commons/siddhi/2.0.0-wso2v5/modules/siddhi-core/src/main/java/org/wso2/siddhi/core/query/processor/window/TimeWindowProcessor.java
> [2]https://docs.wso2.com/display/CEP300/Windows#Windows-timeWindow
> Thank you.
> *T. Pranavan*
> *BSc Eng Undergraduate| Department of Computer Science & Engineering
> ,University of Moratuwa*
> *Mobile| *0775136836
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