
My code is as below.

     configurationElement = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM(xmlFile);
}catch (XMLStreamException e) {
    log.error("Unable to load files ");

When I analyze it through FindBugs I get the following bug report.

     "Exception is caught when the exception is not caught.

       This method uses a try-catch block that catches Exception objects,
but Exception is not thrown within the try block, and RuntimeException is
not explicitly caught. It is a common bug pattern to say try { ... } catch
(Exception e) { something } as a shorthand for catching a number of types
of exception each of whose catch blocks is identical, but this construct
also accidentally catches RuntimeException as well, masking potential bugs.

A better approach is to either explicitly catch the specific exceptions
that are thrown, or to explicitly catch RuntimeException exception, rethrow
it, and then catch all non-Runtime Exceptions, as shown below:

  try {
  } catch (RuntimeException e) {
    throw e;
  } catch (Exception e) {
    ... deal with all non-runtime exceptions ...

I tried the solution they have suggested. But it is not working.

Any idea of this?


Bimali Dayananda
Intern-Software Engineering
Mobile : +94(77) 571 6618
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