WSO2 MB Team is pleased to announce the release of WSO2 Message Broker
3.0.0-Alpha2. You can now download the distribution which is available at

Following are the major changes applied in this version apart from the bugs
and fixes:

1. Removal of the support for Cassandra
2. Support for JMS local transactions


   - [MB-326 <>] - OOM in MB 2.1.0 Beta
   When having more that 60 subscriptions
   - [MB-725 <>] - When a node is
   killed, the queues which belog to the subscribers of the dead node are also
   - [MB-734 <>] - NPE when browsing
   queue/topic messages sent by a C# JMS client
   - [MB-826 <>] - Message can be resent
   when channel closed before acknowledgement is processed.
   - [MB-848 <>] - Subscriber with
   permission to consume but doesn't have queue add, browse or delete
   permission failed to consume from queue
   - [MB-878 <>] - Incompatibility with
   with AMQP Content header when using RabbitMQ publishers
   - [MB-889 <>] - Display topic
   sections to an user who have only the login permissions
   - [MB-905 <>] - created topic
   subscriptions not removed when running with jmeter
   - [MB-924 <>] - broker.xml has to
   support Secure vault
   - [MB-940 <>] - Observed "ERROR
   {org.wso2.andes.kernel.distruptor.inbound.InboundLogExceptionHandler} - [
   Sequence: 3884182 ] Exception occurred while processing inbound
   events.Event type: MESSAGE_EVENT", with a load test
   - [MB-972 <>] - MQTT : Supporting
   Message Sizes Which Exceeds the Frame Size
   - [MB-993 <>] - Subscriber Re
   Connection Causes Stability Issues
   - [MB-998 <>] - An error is printed
   for each message when subscriber is disconnected while messages are
   publishing for MQTT
   - [MB-1025 <>] - MQTT : Fix Message
   Size Limitation
   - [MB-1034 <>] -
   ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException when publishing MQTT messages while adding
   subscribers to same topic
   - [MB-1039 <>] - MB doesn't support
   large messages for AMQP with MySQL datasource
   - [MB-1041 <>] - Cassandra
   InvalidQueryException when durable subscriber goes offline
   - [MB-1052 <>] -
   NullPointerException occurred in shutting down server when non durable
   subscription active
   - [MB-1053 <>] - Warning log :
   Invalid State transition from DELETED suggested
   - [MB-1054 <>] - MB server cannot
   restart after subscribe/publish messages to DSE cassandra
   - [MB-1058 <>] - Message content not
   shown in the summary view
   - [MB-1063 <>] - Browsing a queue
   which has 5 million messages is not possible to view
   - [MB-1065 <>] - User with
   permission to browse queue messages is unable to browse the message
   - [MB-1066 <>] - Messages are stuck
   in DB when the only publishing node is killed while publishing
   - [MB-1067 <>] - Disable amqp
   protocol and publish / browse queue messages from console leads to dead page
   - [MB-1068 <>] - When browsing queue
   messages pagination is shown for more than restricted number of messages
   - [MB-1069 <>] - Can not delete a
   queue which has subscribed clients
   - [MB-1070 <>] - MB 3.0.0 build with
   test fails on windows with "Failed to rename file wso2server.shas"
   - [MB-1071 <>] - Can not publish
   messages to a queue which is around 5mb in size
   - [MB-1073 <>] - Unable to browse
   queues when large messages are present
   - [MB-1074 <>] - Console allows to
   delete a queue while subscriber is consuming messages
   - [MB-1077 <>] - MB does not start
   if the /etc/hosts file has multiple IP addresses for the host name
   - [MB-1079 <>] - DLC is not being
   cleared when a queue is purged
   - [MB-1080 <>] - Delete a queue from
   a tenant account and re-add the queue - popup says cannot create the queue
   - [MB-1082 <>] - Error while trying
   to publish message for topics in management console
   - [MB-1083 <>] - Tenant is able to
   publish messages to another tenants queue
   - [MB-1084 <>] - Dead page when
   viewing subscriptions in cluster
   - [MB-1094 <>] -
   org.wso2.andes.AMQTimeoutException occurred in queue browse
   - [MB-1096 <>] - Remove 'Duration to
   expire (in ms)' from UI since we are not supporting message expiry.
   - [MB-1097 <>] - WARN messages when
   producing message load
   - [MB-1100 <>] - Ui test failing
   - [MB-1101 <>] - Throw an exception
   on startup if the same node id is used by multiple nodes
   - [MB-1102 <>] - Since message
   expiration is not supported remove the configuration from broker.xml
   - [MB-1103 <>] - messages duplicated
   in topics in alpha pack
   - [MB-1105 <>] - NPE in onflight
   message tracking.
   - [MB-1107 <>] - Unable to subscribe
   to topic through UI with default configs.
   - [MB-1111 <>] - Queue with two
   publishers and two subscribers fails to consume all the messages
   - [MB-1114 <>] - JDK version error
   message is getting on console when start the MB on java8
   - [MB-1116 <>] - Takes a long time
   for the cluster to start after system restart
   - [MB-1117 <>] - Exception when
   viewing Metrics UI for the tenant
   - [MB-1118 <>] -
   java.lang.ThreadDeath thrown in the cluster
   - [MB-1123 <>] - Same Durable Topic
   subscribers are showing in the active and inactive sections
   - [MB-1124 <>] - MB only bind to
   loopback ( by default
   - [MB-1125 <>] - MQTT retain topic
   doesn't remove from server if empty payload received.
   - [MB-1126 <>] - Deleting a queue
   with around 100000 messages does not refresh the console properly
   - [MB-1129 <>] - MB goes OOM on high
   - [MB-1130 <>] - Error based flow
   control is not enabled when jtds or mssql database drivers are used.
   - [MB-1134 <>] - Multiple producer,
   consumer scenario for queue from same node shows a count of messages in
   console after all messages consumed
   - [MB-1136 <>] - Key duplication
   error observed when publishing messages to a topic
   - [MB-1137 <>] - Observed a message
   lost from a durable topic
   - [MB-1139 <>] - Message duplication
   observed in the Durable Topics
   - [MB-1140 <>] - Refresh button
   issue in "Queue Subscriptions" section when multiple consumers consuming
   from the same queue
   - [MB-1141 <>] - DLC retry attempts
   and retrying time miss-match with configuration
   - [MB-1143 <>] - Consumer with
   client ack is not considered when new messages are published to a queue
   - [MB-1148 <>] - Performance
   degradation in MB v 3.0.0 Alpha
   - [MB-1153 <>] - Browsing queue
   messages with a mix of messages (With and without message headers) doesn't
   show all the messages in console
   - [MB-1154 <>] - Cannot insert
   duplicate key error when updating message id
   - [MB-1159 <>] - Bind host addresses
   per transports
   - [MB-1165 <>] - Protocol Identifier
   separator in MQTTMessageMetaData conflicts with other separators.
   - [MB-1167 <>] -
   NoSuchElementException when sending topic messages
   - [MB-1170 <>] - Possible connection
   leak when working with Topic subscribers
   - [MB-1175 <>] - Exception thrown
   when creating a consumer
   - [MB-1177 <>] - When a cluster is
   started (1st node) MB_SLOT table must be cleared
   - [MB-1187 <>] -
   purgeMessagesTestCase fails after deleted queue being observed
   - [MB-1189 <>] - Ability to disable
   content cache used in RDBM message store.
   - [MB-1195 <>] - Unexpected behavior
   in JMS Queue with in client-ack mode listener
   - [MB-1201 <>] - Error in getting
   roles through when adding a topic through UI.
   - [MB-1202 <>] - Messages are not
   getting moved into the dead letter channel
   - [MB-1208 <>] -
   Restoring/re-routing messages from DLC causes an exception
   - [MB-1209 <>] - Samples are broken.
   Dependency missing.
   - [MB-1213 <>] - Subscription
   Recovery Does not happen properly for durable topic subscriptions
   - [MB-1215 <>] - Update release docs
   and read me files with latest changes.
   - [MB-1216 <>] - Increase minimum
   heap size to 2G
   - [MB-1217 <>] - Messages that are
   moved to DLC are still shown in the queue when cache is enabled


   - [MB-939 <>] - Make the maximum
   display length configurable for message content shown through management
   - [MB-1038 <>] - Transaction Support
   for Andes
   - [MB-1057 <>] - Message content
   instant removal
   - [MB-1062 <>] - Add logs to trace
   message path
   - [MB-1109 <>] - Message latency
   increase as message publishing rate reduced
   - [MB-1122 <>] - Better to have
   generic jms client details in flow control message instead of channel number
   - [MB-1138 <>] - Not enough details
   when flow control is enabled
   - [MB-1146 <>] - Remove Performance
   - [MB-1147 <>] - Implement
   StoreHealthListener to AndesRecoveryTask
   - [MB-1152 <>] - Add message tracer
   - [MB-1161 <>] - SecureVault Support
   - [MB-1174 <>] - Stop server startup
   with as Thrift server host
   - [MB-1179 <>] - Set default auto
   commit mode to false in message store and context store
   - [MB-1186 <>] - Separate method
   deleteMessages in MessagingEngine into two

New Features:

   - [MB-126 <>] - Support JMS Local
   - [MB-1022 <>] - Publisher
   Acknowledgement for Andes Core (Used by MQTT Transport)
   - [MB-1149 <>] - Implement a
   mechanism to save slot information in a RDBMS

Security Vulnerabilities:

   - [MB-1160 <>] - Move amqp SSL
   configuration and add MQTT ssl configuration into cipher-tool compliant


   - [MB-24 <>] - Run a long running Test
   for Queue Scenario
   - [MB-948 <>] - Enable Queue purge
   delivery rule after testing.
   - [MB-1049 <>] - Write a sample for
   JMS transaction based message publishing
   - [MB-1190 <>] - upgrade guava lib
   - [MB-1212 <>] - Make 'tracker
   rejected' warning to a debug

The documentation for MB 3.0.0 Alpha can be found at [2]. Your feedback is
most welcome, and any issue regarding the project can be reported at [3].


-WSO2 MB Team-

Sasikala Kottegoda
*Software Engineer*
WSO2 Inc.,
lean. enterprise. middleware
Mobile: +94 774835928/712792401
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